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Posts posted by Killer_kaw

  1. I just couldn't resist. So let's hear it. What do you like, ride, want?? Don't have a lot of experience here myself because my first was a 750 then 1000-1100-1600-1200. Thinking I only stayed with bigger bikes because they generally have some nicer options like adjustable suspension and such.

    This question popped into my head while covering 300 miles of glorious 2-lane today. My slightly modified zrx weights in around 450lb with 138hp and just shy of 100 ft lbs of torque geared 1 down 2 up. I'd consider myself a decent rider but today when I decided to reall try and ring the bikes neck I found there to be way way way more bike than rider here. Lots of fun though. Loving this bike.  

    Guessing a smaller more nimble bike bike would make you a better rider though? Force you to be in the right gear, pick the best line and carry a bit more entry speed vs having a big inline to pull you from moderate speeds to what the fuck just happened in the blink of an eye even in the wrong gear  

    seems to me there are pros and cons both ways




  2. 21 minutes ago, EOdesmo said:

    I'm headed in that direction tomorrow morning.  I plan on eventually hitting 536/260/565/145 if time allows.  Will post up if I get to ride it..

    Kinda thought you'd be the fella to answer this one. Sounds like I may pass you down that way. If I pass you slow up I'll work my way to your mirrors. Will be on the white Rex not the red Rex. Speed safe!

  3. Cabin was nothing special but fairly clean. I really didn't spend much time there because the weather was great and I was there to ride motorcycles not watch tv. 

    The down side for me was not being able to contact home most of the time and a long way to go for a 12pk of Miller lite. 

    Upside is leaving or coming back you get to rip down 28 and being able to bullshit around the fire at night without anybody bitching is pretty cool

    • Upvote 3
  4. 14 minutes ago, Tonik said:

    Kaw number is 21066-0043  09-16 Voyager 1700

    You got a link to the one in Huron?  I can't find that one.  But I found a company in NH that makes aftermarket ones, they might get it here in time.  Will know Monday AM.  Also might be a Powersports dude in Hinkley that has the aftermarket one in stock.....won't know to Monday.

    Calling IP in a few here.

    eBay item # 311793080143

    listed for a 2011 vaquero 

    looks like all the 1700's up to at least 2016 use the same setup. Unfortunately mine is a 1600

  5. 5 hours ago, Tonik said:


    Well, I may be out.  Depends if my voltage regulator gets here in time.  Going to have to be really lucky to pull this off.

    That sucks. If it was a swap from my meanstreak I'd offer you a loaner but I believe they are different. Sorry. Looks like a functional used set on eBay located in Huron Ohio. $50 might be a good back up plan you could resell if not needed and I imagine they could get those to you pretty quickly. 

  6. On 5/29/2017 at 7:36 PM, yoshiii said:

    How is it in the low gears. One of the problems I had with the 250 Suzuki's in the MRC was that in first gear it sucked going slow and I had trouble with slow maneuvers unless I put the bike into 2nd gear.  I think that is one of the reasons also that the instructor suggested a bigger bike. 

    I am tall and will the ninja 250 be comfortable?  I dont want to be uncomfortable riding otherwise it will make it not good for me riding the bike and and will cause problems with me learning to ride better.

    I want to get a R3 because it fits me well but need more money

    Odds are good if that 250 was jerky while doing low speed maneuvers you just haven't got your clutch control under control. Those little engines have a lot of pulse so if your not smooth on the clutch you're gonna feel it at the wheel. Do the same on a powerful bike and it will take off and leave you behind. Basics are much easier to learn on a smaller more forgiving bike. 

    • Upvote 1
  7. On 5/29/2017 at 7:48 PM, JustinNck1 said:

    I have ran half a dozen sets of Angel GTs and I thought they are one of the best performance Sport Touring tires, but the mileage on heavier bikes wasn't the best. Until now. For the same amount of money, I got the Roadsmart 3s plus a rebate. So far i got a couple hundred miles on them, and I would say they turn in better than any other sport touring tire (I've tried Angel GTs, BT023s, T30s, & PR4s). If i get mileage remotely close to what the reviews are saying, I will be buying more of them in the future.

    Agreed about turn in. Got the roadsmart 3s mounted up and a few hundred miles on them. Running same pressures they seem to give a little softer ride and definitely drop in quicker than angel gt. That's gonna take some getting use to but so far nice ride and the grip seems good. 

  8. 3 hours ago, what said:

    I'll be trailering like a sissy so I'm just taking 71 to Cinci then 75 to Knoxville, etc. You're welcome to draft my toastermobile if that sounds more interesting than 77 slab. :p 


    BTW, check-in is at 4pm or later at Fontana according to them. I will be leaving around 4am to get there around noon then ride for a few hours before checking in. May call and see if I can get in earlier though. 

    Due to the old school aerodynamics you may be able to draft behind my ZRX. It cuts through the wind like a brick. 

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