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El Toro Joe

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About El Toro Joe

  • Birthday 09/06/1958

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  • Vehicles(s)
    2016 Yamaha FJR1300ES

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  1. I'll probably be there...usually meet up with a few other FJR folks, for lunch at Fat Heads.
  2. Before getting my 16Es, I had an 06...put 102k miles on that bike, in 9 years...the FJR is definitely a keeper.
  3. I'll be riding SEO tomorrow. Meeting a couple other riders at the Fuel Mart in New Concord at 11:00 am
  4. Well, in that case...there are lots of great restaurants in Miami. Also some great cigar shops, and be sure to get some cuban coffee.
  5. Montgomery Inn is pretty good, I also think Stubbs Spicy is pretty good, straight out of the bottle. I do prefer making my own sauce. ...BBQ sauces are very subjective to personal taste.
  6. More riding days, and less work days...because you know, this work thing really is cutting into my riding time.
  7. Nothing like a presidential election to divide a country, or forum...can you imagine the protesting (by Trump supporters) if he hadn't won?
  8. Subscribed...is anyone camping for this event?
  9. I use the smoker in the garage, and leave the door up about a foot. I've used it down into the lower 30's...usually don't use the smoker during the really cold spells.
  10. Let me know how it turns out, for ya.
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