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XV1000 last won the day on October 5 2021

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  • Name
    Junior Bodine
  • Location
    Marysville, OH
  • Vehicles(s)
    '16 Vulcan 1600
    '85 Virago 1000
    '67 Harley FLH

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  1. Bridge is still up ..... No, it Aint.
  2. Rode to old hangouts in the boonies looking for old bridges I used to stop at. Most of them replaced by culverts and a couple are now wildlife areas gone back to nature. Can't even see the old roadbed, let alone the girder bridge. Even pylons have been removed. its just swampland now. Makes you feel old wondering if anyone else alive even remembers there being something there.
  3. I so hope this is real and not Photoshop. This would be awesome. And another one in small size so your kids can be Mini-Me. Imagine a whole family walking around the grocery store wearing these.
  4. Food was just so good, someone couldnt stop in time.
  5. XV1000


    Found this rubber chicken inside a hollow tree. My life is weird.
  6. Scooters can be Bad Ass too. In Germany in the 80s with a bunch of drunk Army guys, we laughed and sneered at a Gang riding Mopeds and Scooters, wearing leathers and chains. Almost got our asses kicked when they came back and we found out they were like the local Hells Angels. 😁
  7. West of Marysville, south of the Honda plant lots of nice semi-twisty roads. Not the same as southern Ohio, but its nice. Lots of covered bridges around North Lewisburg, Milford Center, etc. Northwest of Marysville around West Mansfield, Zanesfield and Bellefontaine, though thats getting more into NorthWestern region. 257 from Columbus following the Scioto River north toward Prospect is decent. 315 north of Columbus following Olentangy River to Delaware even better. Some neat stuff around Sunbury/Galena area. Mohican/Malabar area farther north near Mansfield lots of nice backwoods roads. All of these you have to get off the beaten path on the little back roads. Not any long twisty routes that are good for 100 uninterrupted miles of in-the-wind Bliss.
  8. Milford Center Civil War Monument. Next, at a Race Track.
  9. "Please wait for the host to start this meeting." I finally made it and feel all lonesome.
  10. Looked at the bike longingly a few times today as I replaced rotten brake lines on the old truck. Tomorrow is ridin' day.
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