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Unk Greg

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Everything posted by Unk Greg

  1. Nah, I talked to the Ducati girls alot! Then there was the beer line. It was behind the Harley's go figure.
  2. Saw the comment on secret way in? Ya mean Magley Road? Oh, no Bagley, but I did see Magley at the 'Priller' stop! Long line of traffic, after awhile I told the wife =. I'm counting five more red lites and we're finding another way in. Hence Bagley Rd.
  3. Hey! I found a picture of me at the show...me an ole lady looking at Honda DN-01. I can't wear that soccer jersey anywhere around my county. Before I had leathers I wore it!
  4. Ain't the battery. It'll hafta wait a bit now!
  5. For me.....CCW? Uh, my fave rig won't fit in my pocket. Page 134 in my most recent catalog. coincidentally matches the item number M134-D
  6. Oh Dey ya iz! All them purty bikes at show, so I went ahead and changed my avatar. Hey, How come no Trumpets was dere? I wanted to look at the triple. No Benellis either, jeez.
  7. Yo! Got a 174 pics. Just need Fonz to instruct me on how to upload it. Nah, I'll wait for one of the kids to come in! Missed most of ya, but then I was only there for about 7 hours or so. So KKid, was U ina wheelchair then?
  8. PMo: So go to the V-Twin show in Columbus Feb. 15.
  9. Welcome and mosey on down from Woooster (ya know rhymes with rooster). I think folks are beginning to discover 'em. I've only managed to get up to 45 on the gravel with the Bird. Another Holmsie.
  10. I just go to the gas station in town. Pick out the tire I want from his rack leave the bike. Then I walk over to the VFW, have breakfast and come back and pay for tire and ride away. The old tire I drape over my shoulder and ride it back home. Or you could just give the guy two bucks and he'll get rid of it!
  11. Thanks one and all for all the input. I'll keep picking at it until it works. Trying it all. I found a fuse box and one labeled start. checked it and it was good. Fonz, battery, I think it's good, but will pull the one outa "red" and see if that works. AND see if the black one works in the red. Thanks for all the suggestions. I get it eventually And report back what it was!
  12. Top Hat seems to be a bit of trouble though!
  13. Bird has sat in the den for a day. More than thawed out. Tried to start, same ole thing, turns over and not firing. So moving on to the electrics now. What's the most expensive electrical component? My luck will dictate, that would be the culprit. Dog gave it a wide berth, even with it just sitting there! So, no chance to play with the dog by running it in the house!
  14. Unk Greg

    Yours truly

    Fonzie. The warehouse has taken the long bar out from the basement. You can now move about more freely down there. It came out about two weeks ago. Unk Gee
  15. I have got old boots. Think of old combat style. I have some AlpineStar gloves. I have typed this real slow so all can read! ;>)
  16. Uh, sorta a ditto re: Kawi Kid....'cept in Holmes, ya just ride around...back roads and you can be gone for hours on end and not be on pavement....and you thought it was just paved twisties! Oh yeah, old strip mines, but then that'd be trespassing and the lil' jeeps would have to get on and look at the highwall before deciding whether to venture down with front hubs locked....me I don't even get out of dry pavement setting...but then I live around here, and if I was to be a hooligan on some old strip mine, somewhere! AEP has an off road place of reclaimed land...check with them. Not sure exactly, but heard folks discussing it! Otherwise you'd be callin' a towtruck to pull yer full sized Bronco out of the "Crik". Shoulda pulled the carpet first DUDE! HA!!!
  17. Hmmm, things I've noticed....easy. Wife's mother wanted her to hook up some sort of TV deal so she could sit and watch it at work!!!!!!!!!! She called off today, sick. What a surprise. No TV hook up at her paying job. The Age of Obama Begins?
  18. Just learnin' stuff, look and read....still consider me, 'new', learning curve and all..it's all, well, new! Found Euro sizes diff too. Italian stuff has size off by one...like XL in Italian, is a L here. Figured the silicon would outlast the regular kind of radiator hosey. Kid has the water wetter in the dragcar, so I only hafta grab it from the shelf and some of the track days were callin' for it (makes the cleanup easier than antifreeze after an incident). 'Roo is ultra thin, and worked extremely well in the soccer shoes, but as you have described...thin also means a one time fall-down then. If you iz a pro-and getting freebies, why not? Be nice ta have free stuff, eh? I'd be a more durable approach...one suit for the next decade....watch those french fries then.
  19. Okay, bought the bike, then everyone bitched about gear and so along the way I got a helmet..then track day wanted leathers...just for grins: Here is some stuff I just read about...so callin' it riding gear. Denim Jeans, How long do they last in an accident? Last 0.4 seconds (study from England-and no other details). Leather, lasts 2.5 seconds. Old worn denim or been washed will wear thru quiker. I got some of them lumber jack jeans...before the leathers...I figured if they was made to protect ya from a chainsaw, so why not (kevlar lining). Leather suits Top flite with three layers on shoulders, double on rear, elbows and knees...and mention of Kevlar inserts. Parts of the cow and use; back neck and rear are strongest with belly and legs softer. So if ya know who yer cow was, you could ask which went where. Look for 1.3-1.5 mm thick. Kangaroo leather...only had them on my soccer 'boots'...seemed durable enough....shoes are still good after all these years. I'm sure the 'suit' made outa 'Roo would be an economical choice. There ya go...fill in with all yer useful trivia....it'll help me learn as a NOOB. Oops...Bike stuff...silicon and nomex water hoses, water wetter and now some sorta water heater (fluid that lets it warm up quiker)
  20. Okay...yeah, wasn't yesterday (minus 5 was a heat wave compared to the other days), like Kawi said....I just go out and poke around with it every so often and then back in to get warm...Den will be next option...handlebars 29 inches/door opening 32 inches...that's a plan. Once it's warm....Battery has been on one of them 'tender' thangs...charges and then holds, then charges, etc. I could switch out the battery with the other one as that's easy enough. If it's just a warming up thing and takes care of it, the only other fun will be tormenting the dog with all the noise! Then I'd hafta clean the carpet, and not from the bike drips! Warmups...always runit two minutes before outing it. If really considerate, shut it off and then let heat build. Once temp comes up, usaully just out. I looked at the snowblower this mornin' too, but passed on that, maybe later. Appreciate all the input, and thanks...I'll let folks know what goes down!
  21. All of the above!! And of course the simple, "Freedom" (although it's problee closer to Anarchy for me)..pipe them old ladies. Just happened on a quote this weekend, and it goes; "Happiness is the road, NOT the destination". Kinda says it for me.
  22. Okay, makes sense to me.....will slowly go thru everything...just not sure if I wanna wait until spring and warm weather....pushing it into then den may be a plan, wife ain't home! ;>)
  23. Yeah spark was on my list of next thing to check! Just got pull all that plastic off....and maybe when it getz a bit warmer (for when I work under the shade tree). The only other thought was ice in gas line (or otherwise plugged). Hmm, lets measure the spread on the handlebars....maybe it'll go in the den real nice and its gotta be warmer in the house!
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