The Paypal is setup for the victim's that are a part of our CR family, the wife and daughters of George.
While the actions hurt someone else in the process, CR is supporting those closest to us, not every fucking person impacting every fucking time a member of CR fucks up. The next time someone from CR runs a stop sign and hits someone, we'll be sure to provide you with the victim's info so you can donate to fix their bruises or fund their attorney.
Insensitive, ignorant, persistently whining pricks like you are pissing me the fuck off. You been asked nicely, your thread removed, so people can focus on his family that is now without father/husband and a tight-knit community without a friend and mentor.
Now you're being told, shut the fuck up and drop the bleeding heart shit. I don't wanna see another anything about the other lady. Either help us support his family, stay in the background, or go fuck yourself. Your shit will be deleted and you'e gonna get a ban, and I really couldn't give two shits. You've managed to piss me off good while on Percocet, congrats