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Everything posted by MrMeanGreen

  1. Preferably in a foam container with some packing and a couple of hand heaters taped to the inside.
  2. I'd also like to add that spectators are still free, these events are not to make a profit and that's still our goal. These events cannot be done without the help of my wife, Tina, and Brian Wagner. As things develop, we will need additional support.
  3. CR will be having four 1/4 mile events (at least) this year as of now: Spring CR Day at the Raceway Brought to you by Columbus Racing, LLC and National Trail Raceway Saturday, April 26th $40 entry per vehicle (tentatively, may be slightly cheaper) This is still a private track rental provided by CR, but now with unlimited potential (Eliminations, True Street, Grudge, etc). CR had to go LLC for insurance and event purposes, but we're now officially recognized on the NTR calendar as an event, but it's still invite-only. Summer 11th Annual Buick Performance Group Nationals brought to you in part by Columbus Racing, LLC. Saturday, August 2nd (rain date August 3rd) $40 per vehicle, spectators in that vehicle (or tow vehicle are free) $25 per car-load of spectators otherwise CR will be doing assorted organized racing events in tandem with and apart from the Buick guys. Also still finalizing details, this is a work in-progress. Fall CR Test n' Tune Brought to you by Columbus Racing, LLC and National Trail Raceway Saturday, October 19th $15 entry per vehicle $20 entry w/ VIP Suite access On the front-end of things, most people won't notice a difference with the exception of CR being able to run more specific types of match races in addition to Test n' Tune, like Grudge Racing, Eliminations, etc. We also get to maintain running two lanes. On the back end, we're doing a lot of work to CR while still being here for the members and the community. CR is for you
  4. If we could only get AEP to turn the electricity on in two days in modern times...
  5. You need the wireless adapter. Thread title updated for you.
  6. Brian drove my car once, even went WOT for a brief second before it scared the shit out of him. How's that compare to the Contour?
  7. Been a couple of those weeks. I need to talk to you anyways.
  8. Says the guy who cusses and swears when driving a car with a fucked manual tranny. If you don't like the opinions presented, then don't ask for them.
  9. Yes, make it a manual. Of course the slow guys say an auto sucks, a manual must make even slow cars feel fast
  10. Keep it an auto drag car, you already have a manual track car. Best of both worlds.
  11. T-Mobile is very impressive, even outside the outerbelt. Lemme know if you'd like to discuss further or see my multiple speed tests.
  12. Fucking Hondas. Try driving on US33 anywhere near shift change for the Honda plant.
  13. We also rent out the 1/4 mile track and do private rentals several times a year. Other members organize events with Auto-X and road racing. Keep an eye out throughout the year.
  14. Same spot, now we do snow drags there. Don't give Sam the info, he'll ruin our snow track.
  15. Damn, I'm sorry Brian. Is this temporary, or actual MS? Here's to a speedy recovery.
  16. How about you guys call the number listed and ask him directly?
  17. How can any of you have not seen this yet? Fantastic movie, I would actually sit and watch it if people would shut the fuck up while it's playing
  18. Tina and I are in. Grant, bring GTAV up if you would. If I wanted to sit around with a bunch of people and watch movies, I could go to the theater. Half the fun of Doc's is being able to pass the controller around on a game and shooting the shit.
  19. I've been with the same agent since I bought my house and my parents have used them since the early '80s. They're also partnered with Progressive as well as dozens of other carriers and will always come back with great pricing and options. http://www.yellowbook.com/profile/dorsey-conley-insurance_1628737036.html
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