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Everything posted by Turbotrio

  1. We can take care of it for you. Brian has been a Subaru tech for 12 years (PMR Motorsports / Byers / IPS) and he does most of the Subaru quotes / work here. Shoot me his/her info and I will have a quote put together, Jeff
  2. Ask for me and I will get you taken care of, Jeff
  3. Sure can. It typically takes about an hour. Jeff
  4. Come up and get it done and I will pay you $10 to cover gas or lunch whichever you prefer Jeff
  5. That's exactly what my wife said lol I told her I am sure it is possible to Photo-shop ice to look like plastic but that I certainly didn't spend the time to do it. Jeff
  6. Glad we could help and thanks for the post! Jeff
  7. We can take care of you on it for sure. Doing lots of Bike / Quad parts lately. Here is a recent: http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3776/12640262455_36659b58b3_b.jpg
  8. Thanks for the comments! It's finally light out in the morning before work to get out for 30-40 mins. Now if it would just get above 30-degrees... Jeff
  9. Taken tonight on my way home. Almost can see it go all the way around: http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5498/12759761454_21b435d13a_b.jpg
  10. Few sunrise pics from Alum this morning: http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3808/12759764074_9e894fd1f4_b.jpg http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2887/12759464973_2d4a6996fc_b.jpg http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5497/12759466863_f68ee94ef9_b.jpg
  11. I like them both as well. Thanks for sharing, Jeff
  12. Looks great! Congrats on the new car and hit me up if I can help you with adding anything to it down the road Jeff
  13. I always liked that body style (Rear of the convertibles are different correct?) and nice pic! Jeff
  14. Firsts snap out of the box (Flowers were on the counter with just whatever window light there was) wide-open Sigma 35/1.4 http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7292/12446949734_0a2c5cdc89_b.jpg
  15. I love 1.4 lenses http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2806/12579479253_87fc2ee94c_b.jpg
  16. Just a few shots taken at sunrise with my new Siggy 35.1.4 http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7385/12706465074_0b4b7220ce_b.jpg http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7300/12706448604_e6afcfa169_b.jpg http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3795/12722172645_b75016a8a5_b.jpg
  17. Oh, and thanks for the kind words everyone. Dealing with the curve-balls from modified cars can be stressful at times but we keep on plugging away. Mixing in some "Easy" service work has been nice and of course there are 100x more BMW's and Mercedes' and Audi's needing attention than there are Corvette owners wanting 1000rwhp. Can't wait for Spring so the sports cars come out of hibernation. Jeff
  18. Pandora was $3k/month for subscribers in a 10-Mile radius of the shop. Jeff
  19. The numbers are down quite a bit but it's even worse for TV because of DVR. The current tracking system they have now for who listens to what and how much is pretty cool. We just figured we had never tried to go "Main-stream" and see what happens going out to 300,000 people instead of 10 or 20,000 with print. Jeff
  20. Yes. Streaming on WNCI and WCOL and on-air on 105.7 The Brew and 106.7. Search for "Experts" on any of the Clear Channel stations and you will find us there too. Jeff
  21. http://www.wnci.com/main.html While your'e there you can look at pics of Kelsey and Sam and Gandhi and some chicks at Flannagan's Jeff
  22. We would be all about it. We were just talking about scheduling a few "Open House" type of events for this very reason. No "Dyno Day" or service or sales. Just bringing in food and maybe music or whatever and hanging out and talking cars. If it was to be paired with something like this all the better. Jeff
  23. If that first pic wasn't a touch soft it would be a keeper for me. Like the last one a lot. I haven't seen any young ones since back in the spring... Jeff
  24. I took a pic this morning of a pretty big Buck with a doe in a neighbors back-yard on the way to work this morning. Pretty far away but if its even mildly in focus I will post it up. Jeff
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