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Everything posted by Hwilli1647545487

  1. He is too busy being superior to have time for that peasant shit. His frame is the only frame,
  2. Sorry bud, wasting hundreds of company hours trying to convince randos on the internet that you are better than them doesn't count.
  3. Sorry didn't bother to read any of that lol How many hours of your time did you say you volunteered a week? Missed where you evaded that from before.
  4. Incorrect. It's your right to say whatever the fuck you want. No matter how asinine it might be. RE: Gun control. One only has to look at states like California and Mew York to see how hard they are trying to keep people from their second amendment rights. The fact that you now have to fill out a background check to purchase ammunition thanks to California prop 63 is mind blowing. Also (id have to doublecheck this) i though Obama was on record saying not being able to pass more gun control was his biggest regret. Will the Left be successful in gun confiscation? I have no idea... would they if why could? Hell yes.
  5. Looks amazing. I've got a few ideas I'll be contacting you about.
  6. I heard his orange skin disease is communicable. That's kind of terrifying.
  7. Thanks. That was very helpful in helping me understand what was involved in the process.
  8. Gone through it in what way? Were you doing the checking or being checked? I'd be interested in hearing about this process and what it entailed.
  9. Well let's take a look at California specifically. There is an estimated 650,000 illegals in that state. California also has made it legal for illegals to obtain a drivers license (can't quite get my head around that). Now it is my understanding that in most places you simply have to have an state issued ID and an addresss to register to vote. (I'm not clear on how it works in CA). Now while I understand it is not LEGAL to vote if you are not a citizen, an illegal immigrant now has all the tools they need in order to vote. Of course they would never do anything illegal, especially when the candidate they are voting against is threatening to kick them out of the country. You're right. Stupid of anyone to consider that a possibility. My apologies, carry on.
  10. Actually kind of a valid argument for why she pulled ahead in the popular vote.
  11. That's about as out there as the possibility of California flipping to red. BTW you seem really angry.
  12. I paid the bullet ranch $30 bucks to do a reliability package on my fathers Taurus. Throat the barrell,polish the feed ramps etc. might have been a hookup price though.
  13. I was going to address him, but decided it wasn't worth the time
  14. A+ Carey! Now go get your snack. After nap time we'll work on your letters and numbers.
  15. I'd probably throat the barrel as well.
  16. Nah. He is a troll who basically sits and waists company time. He ignores or reworded arguments that prove his trolling incorrect. It is basically a waste of time to engage him, let alone let him get under your skin.
  17. How many hours a week do you donate of your personal time volunteering?
  18. That's too much of a softball pitch to shit on you about your weight.....
  19. Might also make you feel less guilty about the sexual attraction...
  20. The topic had specifically shifted to discuss the reddit thread discussing the depth of the Hillary issue. Your first instinct is to bring up trumps issues? You're either lying to me or lying to yourself.
  21. Stop being sexist. We need the first female president.
  22. Why is that alway the go to defensive argument? "You are accused of the following..." "Oh yeah well the other guy did his...." Just because the other guy with the opposing teams shirt is a giant shitbag, doesn't make it ok for support another shitbag just because they wear your teams shirt.
  23. Yeah read it before a lot of what it talks about started coming out. Aka the Clinton foundation connections.
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