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Everything posted by Hwilli1647545487

  1. Don't drop that shit on your head this time!
  2. Howard Williams, Your ideal job is a Air Steward(ess).
  3. I hope you arent implying it was me.. because it wasn't.
  4. A. Do you have any large male friends? B. Tampering with another persons mail is a Federal Offense. Get the authorities involved. C. Threaten the above two if the don't cooporate.
  5. PM me what you are thinking about for it.. not that I can afford it
  6. Go to a shop. Get a deck down from the wall, stand on it, and see how you like the way it feels. I personally only ride blanks (well I used to only ride blanks). I havent really ridden steady for sometime, but a blank like Beer City, or what not is significantly cheaper, and is still a good quality board.
  7. I'm back. Long day of flights and layovers. BTW thanks a ton for taking care of me the night before. I am pretty sure I had a good time... from what I could remember.
  8. I normally don't post much of my personal life on here, but I am off to get hitched this weekend. I'm leaving here in about 2 1/2 hours. Wish me luck! smile.gif
  9. I remember that car from last year. If he truly put that down then congratz to him :wtg "Wasn't Pavo's car daily driven? 11.65 @ 117 1g Talon Automatic." Correct. Scott Smith's car also went 11.0 @1x (MPG ommitted on purpose). However that was on his old setup, like 2 years ago. And poor Pavo's car R.I.P. If you read what I said, I specifically said "at the moment". I honeslty WANT to be wrong. My car has no business being the fastest/quickest. There are WAY higher HP cars with WAY more $ into them than mine. We just need to get them to the track, and give some of them some driving lessons . [b}"I am saying my shit is faster than either side of the table has put out of their shops, so shut the fuck up"[/b] Desperado, I think you may be missing the point slightly. All of the cars we have built thus far can EASILY be used for someones daily driver. My car has A/C, Leather, Full weight. CD blah blah blah. If I want to drive it to get milk I can. If I want to go 1/4 mile, I drop on a different set of tires, DRIVE TO THE TRACK ON THEM, and race. If I want to go AutoX, I can. If I want to Go to a road course... I can. It's not purpose built. and this may be stretching it a bit far, but I can take the car to a car show, enter it, and get looks. (I say this is stretching it because I KNOW what goes inot making a show car, and at any REAL car show my car would be laughed out of the building. To many little imperfections). The car you are talking about building is a purpose built drag car. Hey if that's your gig, cool. However all of the cars doing this dick measuring most likely fall into the criteria I posted in the previous paragraph. One last thing (and this is a freindly jab) don't talk abouut what you CAN build. Get your car done and come talk to me Now contining on with the original theme of this thread. All this BS going on lately. I normally walk softly, but it may soon be time to get out the big stick. Hoop-D, I pulled this off the SRD site. Corporate Auditor for a Fortune 500 company huh? Worldcom? Enron? I ask because your numbers don't seem to be adding up. "Sales and Marketing" I would say more like PR, and from what I know of PR all they spin is bullshit. Doing a great job! and Mark. Let me just say I don't have ANY issue with you, I never had. I think you are a great guy. I even consider you a friend, even though we haven't hung out in quite sometime. Everytime your name comes up I say that on the cars I have seen you work on, you always did quality work. So I have tried to stay out of this shop versus shop bullshit. but this isn't even shop versus shop. This is me as an outsider calling what I see, and i don't care for what your "associates" are saying or doing. I could write another 20 pages on what I have let pass, but I am going to stop. See you all in about 2 weeks. Howard
  10. Wheeling Graveyard is VERY cool for taking pictures. Not only of cars, but of all the cool monuments, and statues. Little far from here, but I think old graveyards with mature trees make pretty cool spots.
  11. Howard's Supra has the time listed on the web page. 11.966 @119 best mph of 121.xx Ricky's 240 has run 13.2 @? on the stock turbo, and on crappy general all season radials. If you notice, both of us are once again signed up for the Norwalk day. Sunday the 25th is the Import day at trails. To my knowledge 3 of the 4 running shop cars will be attending. Every one at the shop will be at my wedding on Saturday, hopefully drinking and having a good time... so I won't say all three will make it. I rather hope they are to sick to. Let's me know that had a really good time at my event smile.gif . Either way. I'm sure everyone knows who is out on weekends racing, and who is out on weekends sitting in parking lots, and who stays home. I'd like to think that we are active in our local racing communitee. I personally hope to become more active once this whole wedding business is out of the way and I once again have my weekends free. Oh and someone correct me if I am wrong..but 11.966 is the quickest Columbus based import at the moment (street driven not a race car), and 121 is the MPH to beat as well smile.gif . Not that I expect those #s to stand. Once Scott's car is up and running it is my hope he is the first guy in the 10s. Unless Jeff let's me drive the VR4 Not to mention the numerous fast DSMs that have been built/are being built. I sincerelly hope that this year is the year the Imports make a mark on the scene around here. 10s does seem to be that magic # smile.gif Damn weddinng taking all my money... LOL Howard
  12. I have two things to say about this thread. First regarding the tube frame race car, vs a street car. Desperado is correct in what he is saying. Howevver, you must relize that we are talking about cars that have daily driven potential, and are not purpose built. Second regarding that link, and it's threads comments. I am personally getting sick of all this bullshit, and that is what it is. Bullshit. Getting about waste deep now.
  13. I'm going to guess that he knows those two cops personallyl, and it's a friendly jab...
  14. Supras qualify for collectors plates neener neener neeeener
  15. Hey everyone thanks for the congratz, compliments, and advice. smile.gif I think I am going to try that place up at Mill Run. Howard
  16. 1. 2nd 2. 1st 3. 4100 4. Mary 5. Anyway he wants, but if I were blind, I would probably just ask for them smile.gif
  17. Did you change your plug wires?
  18. I am getting married in just over a week. I normally get my hair cut at like Master Cuts or Pro Cuts, or one of those other chains. Sadly, they always always always fuck it up. I need to find a place near the Hilliard area that will do a good job. Recommendations? TIA, Howard
  19. What electronics/devices is he using to control fuel and boost?
  20. This is the tech section. It is not for advertisments. Furthermore, you are not an authorized vendor. Did you notice that your other post was removed? Anymore such posts from you and you will be banned.
  21. can you come mow my lawn/clean up dead branches/leaves. Since you're bored.
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