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Everything posted by Hwilli1647545487

  1. I would encourage everyone who says “i’d have shot him” or “I’d have ran him over” to do some research on when it is legally acceptable to use deadly force. Not only that but the multitude of consequences that occur with that event as well.
  2. Consider yourself lucky you had your doors locked and he didn’t get in.
  3. I never said that. Defensive much?
  4. I tend to try and stay out of these conversations, but those tiny bio saves are not very secure. They are meant to keep “honest” people out, or small children. Should a determined person want in, they can get in and easily. I applaud you being a responsible parent, but I don’t want you to have a false sense of security. I think the most effective thing to prevent these events is to be involved with your kids.
  5. Laws that are unconstitutional aren't real laws.
  6. I'd be interested in cutting off your pinky toe. For the betterment of society. Mostly because pinky toes illicit a negative emotion amongst my peer group. You probably don't use it or need it anyway.
  7. If you’ve never had his cooking before, I highly encourage you to check it out. It’s amazing.
  8. Binged it all. Cried during the electric car episode.
  9. Worked with her today. No go. I'll try some of the other suggestions this week.
  10. That looked like a fun course of fire. USPSA always gets precedence for me, but I am going to try and make a few IDPA courses this year.
  11. I don't want this to die... Anyone have any videos of them at the matches?
  12. I am shopping for insurance as the tittle states. Give me some agent recommendations. Thanks, Howard
  13. +1. Key words have fun and be safe. Odds are if you show up and let people know you're new people will take you under their wing.
  14. I still shoot IDPA occasionally. I find USPSA to be more challenging and you get more/longer stages.. which for me makes the drive time worth it. Shooting USPSA you probably shouldn't be trying to compare yourself to people shooting open class. I shoot production which is very similar to IDPA Stock service pistol. I only worry where I place vs those guys. Regardless as long as you are getting out there improving yourself that's what matters. I have been keeping a journal of sorts about my journey on Facebook. Not sure if that interests anyone. https://m.facebook.com/Howard-Williams-ShooterInstructor-1877599495820993/?ref=bookmarks Clark, bring me those books and we can hang out in my basement and I'll feed you whiskey.
  15. Oddly enough he was in the same NRA Pistol Instructor class as me. I listen to his podcast occasionally and do quite a bit of dryfire. I started out just using my Glock 19 carry gun and switched to a 17 because I wanted to try fiber optic sights.
  16. Anyone else into USPA, IDPA, or 3 Gun? I shot a little IDPA a few years ago, but actually started "competing" in June of 16 in USPSA. Classified initially as a B class in Production. I originally only wanted to get a classification to beef up my teaching credentials but found out I really enjoyed it. I took it a lot more serious in 2017, and finished the season off bumping to an A class production shooter. I am planning on taking 2018 to a "higher level of participation" as it's often refereed to. I've already picked up an ammo sponsor, and my goal is to make Master class by July with a stock gun (kind of an aggressive goal). Here are some videos from last season before I ranked up. It's neat for me to note my skill progress upwards on the later videos. Post up your experience...
  17. If only there was a non for sale firearms section for stuff like this....
  18. I just saw this on there myself and was coming her for more information
  19. Did you really have to go to the extra trouble to photoshop his head smaller? Have some class...
  20. Yup just the one package of the part number I listed. They were mixed in with my bushing order.
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