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Everything posted by badasskylark

  1. They will most likely insult you. Be prepared.
  2. He is a keyboard hardass. He would never talk shit to someone face to face if he thought he might get in a fight. It how his audi buddies are too. They love to start stuff.
  3. If its Andrew Saturn he recieved a 91 mph ticket from osp almost in the exact location.
  4. http://columbus.craigslist.org/rnr/555614891.html Edit:It works. Who is this asshole.
  5. I wont buy a car unless im handed the title when the seller is handed the cash. The ohio BMV is a bunch of assholes who need sucker punched in the face. Good luck getting a title its a real pain in the ass, if you even can.
  6. These are the same idiots that offer you a 1/4 of the asking price for anything your selling. Poor white trash.
  7. I have a different taste in bike's than most people on here. Here are my favorites. Early 80's Honda nighthawk Honda ST1100 70's Kawasaki KZ1000 Late 70's Honda CB750
  8. Thats what your wife said about you last night.
  9. http://www.realfunnypictures.com/viewpic.php?funnypic=185
  10. Get a used rear axle. My buddys went out on his Dakota and he picked one up for $175. We had the old one out of the truck and the new one installed in about 2 hours.
  11. http://www.whitescarver.com/erinjeff/Owned/owned-baby.jpg Owned by the mods.
  12. The eta engine. Dont they only rev to 5k?
  13. Make sure you have a second form of id, IE social security card. They are real assholes about that. When i had a salvage title inspection to get a rebuilt title i had to drive my K5 to the bmv with no tags. Thats what they said to do and if i was pulled over present the paper for the inspection.
  14. Jeepforum.com they have an awsome Cherokee section.
  15. Lowered trucks FTL!!!!!!! Unless its fast. Pre Runners are sweet, there is actually a lot of people into them just not here in Ohio because of the terrain. Jumping shit is fun.
  16. If you had a last name the auditors website is a good idea. You would probably need to know the county as well. Voter registration records online is another good way.
  17. I had a 92 SE-R, it was a fun car for sure. It didnt break after abuse either!
  18. 1993 Toyota Corolla 1.8 auto. 202k. Runs and drives fine but not pretty, and all kinds of little issues that dont affect how it runs and drives. You have to manually shift it because the speed sensor is bad. It also has a broken door handle. But it does have heat. $375
  19. I hope at the track, because on the street that could get you a ticket.
  20. SHO, GLH-T, and Sentra SE-R. Awsome cars.
  21. Climb up on the pole and hook it up. Then just pay for internet.
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