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Everything posted by badasskylark

  1. Wow thats crazy, glad to hear your mom is ok though. What a shitbag.
  2. G2 GS-R's are sweet. GL with the sale.
  3. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v208/rickmt/nissan4.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v208/rickmt/vessel.jpg
  4. A OEM pump for sure. My neighbor just went through this on his 3100 malibu. If you purchase an autozone pump you will replace it often.
  5. It would help alot. Off Road a locker can be the difference between climbing a very muddy hill or not climbing it at all. The same has applied in the snow for me. You can tell a traction difference even with an lsd over an open diff, even in a 4WD vehicle. Tires would also make a huge difference.
  6. All you need to know is at one point he had 6 huge lights mounted on the front of his Subaru. Ultimate FAIL.
  7. And of course there is already a post on craigslist mentioning cr. http://columbus.craigslist.org/rnr/911516736.html
  8. I dont think so. The last laugh is when you have to go in to the dealer for service again and again. On top of that I bet YOU cant repair the car yourself. You apparently have no life other than the internet with 2700 posts and 2 newer audis its pretty clear you DONT work on cars you just like to talk shit on the internet about them. Just like most of the people I know who drive Audis. I bet your such a badass in person, probably covered in tatoos. I watched a kid run his mouth so much about his A4 and GTI and anything else he could talk shit about. You would have though he was 6'6 and 300 lbs. He would never back up his bullshit. I even offered to pay his admission to the track, still a no go. Eventully he talked shit to the wrong person and I watched him recieve a broken jaw, ribs, and nose. Then cry like a little girl. So ive come to the conclusion all audi drivers are shit talkers. I'm done; I have better things to do than talk shit on the internet like jones. Different people have different tastes.
  9. No but i've owned both an 86 corvette and my SHO's and know which one would prevail from a roll audi boy. Wait...audi boy is an oxymoron only secretarys and faggots drive audis/vws. Why dont you avoid pissing in threads if you having nothing constructive to add.
  10. Vette=Potato sack. It's pretty sad when a Taurus is still faster than a mullett's exotic car thats ligher and has a V8 with more hp.
  11. Of course I would buy one. I've had 4. They are a blast to drive, mine have all been pretty reliable. Even though I have drag raced them, as well as taken them out of state on many occasions. The Yamaha and the rest of the car are quite easy to work on if you know what you are doing, I actually enjoy working on mine.
  12. I love those cars. I would never destroy one up by putting a lS1 or Ford engine in it. Porsche V8 Exhaust sound> LS1.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45U1hi7nN_o Hopefully somthing like that doesnt happen. But who knows how stupid people will get no matter who wins.
  14. Not surprising. I wont even go to that show anymore. Trashy people mixed with guns is a lethal combination.
  15. 2 smoke detectors 1 CM Detector Alarm with motion and window/door sensors Firearms/Knives/Homemade Wepons Boards with nails placed around the yard
  16. http://www.politicalarticles.net/barack-obama/images/obama-relatives-kenya2.jpg ...
  17. I've got a better idea, if you want pictures have a friend take some. If the guy doesnt realize you have a V6 F-Body in the 13's he doesnt deserve to make money for taking pictures at car events.
  18. Awsome XJ. They are tough as hell. I've had 11 lol and they have been great never a problem on the trail beyond a flat tire or getting hung up on ruts.
  19. http://www.modlichstoneworks.com/ My parent's neighbors own this company and have been doing it for years. They did my parents house(2 kitchens and a bathroom) and did an awsome job.
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