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IPS Mike

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Posts posted by IPS Mike

  1. Originally posted by Rotarded:

    Andy Geiger is doing EXACTLY what a good A.D. should do, being PROACTIVE. Think about it for a minute.....


    He is being visible and available to the media to let the football team focus on the task at hand and eliminating the distractions.


    He is attempting to eliminate the possibility of reprisal, however misguided or alcohol induced it may be, on ESPN and it's people by telling them not to come here.


    He is sending the message to ESPN, the ONLY people who have given Clarrett a forum to pitch his drivel, saying that we don't appreciate this type of biased and unsubstanciated journalism.


    He is supporting the University and the Athletic department by being the front-man. Not sitting in his office and letting the coaches get raped by the media.


    Cry-baby? I think not. Who else is even somewhat impressed at the balls that he is showing?


    Right or Wrong, Guilty or Not Guilty, the NCAA will decide. The fact that we've been through one investigation for this same matter last year, leads me to side with them not finding a whole lot else this time.


    If any of you thinks that the "booster" hand-outs are a OSU thing should really wake up and smell the coffee. The movie "The Recruit" was not just an adaptation of a fictional story. It happens....

    What he said graemlins/popcorn.gif
  2. On behalf of all of us at IPS ill just say that we really appreciate the post and the kind words after all the talk and accusations and so forth. Its finally good to hear that all the extra time and effort and energy that went into the car was noticed and appreciated. Also good to hear shes up and running strong and that its putting down some good numbers :cool:


    Again, thanks to Ant for clearing things up and thanks for finally putting an end to all of this. We have no desire to go into details either but for our part in all of this we have long since apologized for but will do so again today and look forward to FINALLY putting all this behind us and slowly becoming a part of CR again.


    Thanks Ant,



    Weve got your "IPS" windshield banner down at the shop whenever youd like to swing by! tongue.gif

  3. Originally posted by Mr Blunt 2gnt:

    I'm not saying you won't/can't be fast, i was only pointing out that your going to sink some money into it to be whats considered fast in this area. Just look at Jeffs 3kgt, he probably got 20K + in engine mods done to it. Good luck w/ your project, hope to see you out sometime.

    VR4's / TT's can be made EASY 12-second cars with mostly stock parts. BPU cars have gone mid/high 12s and 15g (stock compressor housing = TINY) have gone high 10s on spray and 11.0s on boost. Things are REALLY starting to change over on 3si with all the TD05 turbo options including using the 14bs with adapter plates and the 13/18Ts and the even bigger Garrett GT series turbos. There are a handful of running single turbo cars that all have crazy potential for hp #s and track times.


    As far as the constant "pig" comments its quite easy to get them down to a svelt 3400-3500lbs. Not trying to argue thats light, but atleast its in the same ballpark as the supras, 300ZX's, F-bods and lighter than the new cobras.


    Car will never be a *great* 1/4 mile car but its very capable of holding its own and still being able to run on the highway and even be competitive at a roadcourse all at the same time without changing tires. Theyre not all bad smile.gif


    Just thought id add some insight tongue.gif


    Oh, and i have no-where near $20k in my engine--brett actually pays me to design and fabricate evrything so i think i might be up :D


    Oh, and yes this is Jeff with my first post on here in close to a year smile.gif

  4. Originally posted by 03SPYDR:

    Hmmm... Read your first paragraph. A guy states that he's trying to make good, has been in contact with the appropriate parties, and you jab him in the nuts one last time. Why? Dick.
    Because at the time of the post all it was was "trying" to make good. Since then Ants called down to the shop and Jeffs talked to him and things are getting resolved. Prior to that none of us was exactly jumping up and down about a single apologetic post close to a year later.


    We have no intentions of digging back up everything or pointing fingers again--just would like to see what we were owed for our services as a shop and then ammend things in terms of friendships etc on an individual basis. Thats it.


    Stop trying to stir shit up and let the parties involved work themselves out like Ants looking to do.

  5. Originally posted by 03SPYDR:


    Summary of above post in response to the low blow: We used to suck and do shitty work, but we didn't suck on Anthony's car. We moved to a new building and the people that didn't suck and worked on Anthony's car aren't around anymore, so we're better now. Trust us.

    We didn't need you anyway, look at our new place. It's booming without CR.

    You suck at the reading comprehension. There was no "low blow" whatsoever. Just simply stating that almost a year later the damage to our shop as far as reputation and so forth has been done. Thankfully it seems to have been limited to the world of CR and there are lots of car guys out there that either dont believe everything they hear or havent been on to ask where to take their car. Simple as that.


    Jeff has spoken with Ant already today and is in the process of FINALLY getting things resolved. All parties agree that it should have NEVER come this far or taken this long to realize mistakes made but you live and learn. Better late than never...


    And as far as the personnel change, none was due to someone "sucking" or not but more like getting people doing things they actually ENJOY doing--makes for a happier work environment. I wouldnt hesitate to recommend anyone no longer involved based on their contributions here.


  6. Well well well. I guess my first reaction would be to ask what brought this on all of the sudden? A simple post, although a start, is not making us all "forgive and forget" all of the sudden when someone so deliberately set out to hurt our business for close to a year for absolutely no reason other than spite.


    That being said, it might have been somewhat of a blessing because up until yesterday with our mini "Grand Opening" at our new place,




    we were too busy to get any more cars in anyway and couldnt have handled much more business.


    Now things are different. We have a newly revamped webpage and new shopping cart days away from being completed. A brand new 4000+ Sq Ft building to work out of. Complete build-up project cars out our ears and were just happy to be growing despite every single one of us being banned from here for most of the year now.


    As some of you may or may not know, 2/3 of the IPS founders are no longer involved and all aspects of our business have been vastly improved. Everything from promptness of parts ordering, to returned phone calls, to cars getting in-and-out both quicker and sounder have made IPS do a complete 180 over the past year. EDIT: This is in NO WAY an admittance to any poor or improper work on Ants car and as we left things FOREVER ago we stand by our work 100%. We are very proud of both the work that we do and the team we have assembled as we believe we have some of the most imaginative and innovative car enthusiasts around.


    To those on here who dont know any of us down at IPS--myself, my brother Jeff, Brett, or any of our other supporting staff, feel free to stop down and check out the new place. We feel we have been done a huge injustice being banned from here for absolutely no reason and just would like to get back to being able to help any of you with parts or services when we can or just to be around to liven things up from time-to-time ;)


    We are more than happy to discuss things with Ant and look forward to FINALLY putting an end to all of this.

    email: sales@ipsmotorsports.net

    shop: 298-8920

  7. Originally posted by N/A Again:

    Lol, your middle school comebacks are great. Did you think of those yourself, or have help?


    I'm not scared of the other side of the story. I've made my points, and through unfortunate circumstances for your "group", people are starting to see the truth of what I'd said if they hadn't already. Too bad, Mikey :(


    Now, back to our regular scheduled topic theme. You're more than welcome to butcher the English language with me through PM or IM, you have both.




    So anyways, I'm gonna keep the blower, although an upgrade to the D1SC or D1R is looking tempting.


    Ben, what's the other block you're talking about? I was aware of the LQ9 and LQ4, both of which make great stroker engines. I will be utilizing the 6.0L 01-02 heads for the compression drop and flow #s.

    you are a fucking coward. if you had the balls to check out rc you might see that your confidence in people taking your side is not accurate. the only stories people are starting to believe is that all you do is spread lies.


    btw, why did you ever take your car to ips to begin with. just curious since you are master mechanic i would have thought that a cam swap would be a cake walk. or maybe its that you are a fat fuck that couldn't turn a wrench to save his life,


    just my .02

  8. Originally posted by N/A Again:

    Lol, your middle school comebacks are great. Did you think of those yourself, or have help?


    I'm not scared of the other side of the story. I've made my points, and through unfortunate circumstances for your "group", people are starting to see the truth of what I'd said if they hadn't already. Too bad, Mikey :(


    Now, back to our regular scheduled topic theme. You're more than welcome to butcher the English language with me through PM or IM, you have both.




    So anyways, I'm gonna keep the blower, although an upgrade to the D1SC or D1R is looking tempting.


    Ben, what's the other block you're talking about? I was aware of the LQ9 and LQ4, both of which make great stroker engines. I will be utilizing the 6.0L 01-02 heads for the compression drop and flow #s.

    you are a fucking coward. if you had the balls to check out rc you might see that your confidence in people taking your side is not accurate. the only stories people are starting to believe is that all you do is spread lies.


    btw, why did you ever take your car to ips to begin with. just curious since you are master mechanic i would have thought that a cam swap would be a cake walk. or maybe its that you are a fat fuck that couldn't turn a wrench to save his life,


    just my .02

  9. Originally posted by N/A Again:

    Lol, your middle school comebacks are great. Did you think of those yourself, or have help?


    I'm not scared of the other side of the story. I've made my points, and through unfortunate circumstances for your "group", people are starting to see the truth of what I'd said if they hadn't already. Too bad, Mikey :(


    Now, back to our regular scheduled topic theme. You're more than welcome to butcher the English language with me through PM or IM, you have both.




    So anyways, I'm gonna keep the blower, although an upgrade to the D1SC or D1R is looking tempting.


    Ben, what's the other block you're talking about? I was aware of the LQ9 and LQ4, both of which make great stroker engines. I will be utilizing the 6.0L 01-02 heads for the compression drop and flow #s.

    you are a fucking coward. if you had the balls to check out rc you might see that your confidence in people taking your side is not accurate. the only stories people are starting to believe is that all you do is spread lies.


    btw, why did you ever take your car to ips to begin with. just curious since you are master mechanic i would have thought that a cam swap would be a cake walk. or maybe its that you are a fat fuck that couldn't turn a wrench to save his life,


    just my .02

  10. Originally posted by N/A Again:



    Now that I have my composure again....


    As for romper-room.org, this is me twirling my finger in the air at you.


    *whirl whirl*


    Lol, you're so entertaining :D

    most excercise you've had in years, i sincerely hope you aren't winded


    don't be scared, hearing both sides to a story can be a very good thing

  11. Originally posted by N/A Again:



    Now that I have my composure again....


    As for romper-room.org, this is me twirling my finger in the air at you.


    *whirl whirl*


    Lol, you're so entertaining :D

    most excercise you've had in years, i sincerely hope you aren't winded


    don't be scared, hearing both sides to a story can be a very good thing

  12. Originally posted by N/A Again:



    Now that I have my composure again....


    As for romper-room.org, this is me twirling my finger in the air at you.


    *whirl whirl*


    Lol, you're so entertaining :D

    most excercise you've had in years, i sincerely hope you aren't winded


    don't be scared, hearing both sides to a story can be a very good thing

  13. Originally posted by N/A Again:

    I'm right, thanks for the concern.


    And, you once again show your ridicoulous tendancy for being ignorant on the internet as you are in person. Check this little Mikey Yetzer. I think that retarded crash into your brother's car while street racing jarred something loose.


    The only real reason I keep you around is because you honestly provide me with comic relief :D


    But I do ask one small request, please learn to use grammar and spelling. Your English is horrendous and really lacks the proper structure to be considered anything less than the ramblings of a half-wit. Thanks!

    listen up lunchbox, jeff is banned everywhere. ah shit i didn't capitalize that. i suggest you stop being such a fag and get over it.


    moving on, race-club is open to anyone and everyone. since you ban people to save yourself from looking like an ass on a daily basis, go on and sign up over there. posts don't get edited or deleted. it should be fun for the ultimate keyboard warrior.


    just be sure and bring your proper english :rolleyes:

  14. Originally posted by N/A Again:

    I'm right, thanks for the concern.


    And, you once again show your ridicoulous tendancy for being ignorant on the internet as you are in person. Check this little Mikey Yetzer. I think that retarded crash into your brother's car while street racing jarred something loose.


    The only real reason I keep you around is because you honestly provide me with comic relief :D


    But I do ask one small request, please learn to use grammar and spelling. Your English is horrendous and really lacks the proper structure to be considered anything less than the ramblings of a half-wit. Thanks!

    listen up lunchbox, jeff is banned everywhere. ah shit i didn't capitalize that. i suggest you stop being such a fag and get over it.


    moving on, race-club is open to anyone and everyone. since you ban people to save yourself from looking like an ass on a daily basis, go on and sign up over there. posts don't get edited or deleted. it should be fun for the ultimate keyboard warrior.


    just be sure and bring your proper english :rolleyes:

  15. Originally posted by N/A Again:

    I'm right, thanks for the concern.


    And, you once again show your ridicoulous tendancy for being ignorant on the internet as you are in person. Check this little Mikey Yetzer. I think that retarded crash into your brother's car while street racing jarred something loose.


    The only real reason I keep you around is because you honestly provide me with comic relief :D


    But I do ask one small request, please learn to use grammar and spelling. Your English is horrendous and really lacks the proper structure to be considered anything less than the ramblings of a half-wit. Thanks!

    listen up lunchbox, jeff is banned everywhere. ah shit i didn't capitalize that. i suggest you stop being such a fag and get over it.


    moving on, race-club is open to anyone and everyone. since you ban people to save yourself from looking like an ass on a daily basis, go on and sign up over there. posts don't get edited or deleted. it should be fun for the ultimate keyboard warrior.


    just be sure and bring your proper english :rolleyes:

  16. Originally posted by N/A Again:

    Ahhh, but I can do my own work. Plus, reassembing my own vehicle after getting it back from IPS helped too.


    And trust me, if needed, I'll take it to someone reputable around here. Not some fly-by-night shop that specializes in fucking people over, especially their "friends" because it's expected for them to take shit and deal with it due to a personal relationship smile.gif


    My belt has teeth, so does the pulley. It was removed, not on it's own accord. See my topic in the other section.


    Anyways, I've decided to go ahead and keep as-is since I'm already well past the 500+ rwhp mark, with fuel/MAF problems. 10s are right here, and a block can be a project that can be assembled bits at a time (and not by IPS, since the shop owner's little brother likes to interject his mouth since it's currently disengaged from someone's dick).


    Thanks for the input, everyone. Two years of boost is hard to part with ;)

    interesting response. we'll see who was right and wrong there...


    as for me talking for jeff, that's pretty simple, let him and everyone else from the shop back on here. oh wait, you just might look like a little bitch, again...... damn

  17. Originally posted by N/A Again:

    Ahhh, but I can do my own work. Plus, reassembing my own vehicle after getting it back from IPS helped too.


    And trust me, if needed, I'll take it to someone reputable around here. Not some fly-by-night shop that specializes in fucking people over, especially their "friends" because it's expected for them to take shit and deal with it due to a personal relationship smile.gif


    My belt has teeth, so does the pulley. It was removed, not on it's own accord. See my topic in the other section.


    Anyways, I've decided to go ahead and keep as-is since I'm already well past the 500+ rwhp mark, with fuel/MAF problems. 10s are right here, and a block can be a project that can be assembled bits at a time (and not by IPS, since the shop owner's little brother likes to interject his mouth since it's currently disengaged from someone's dick).


    Thanks for the input, everyone. Two years of boost is hard to part with ;)

    interesting response. we'll see who was right and wrong there...


    as for me talking for jeff, that's pretty simple, let him and everyone else from the shop back on here. oh wait, you just might look like a little bitch, again...... damn

  18. Originally posted by N/A Again:

    Ahhh, but I can do my own work. Plus, reassembing my own vehicle after getting it back from IPS helped too.


    And trust me, if needed, I'll take it to someone reputable around here. Not some fly-by-night shop that specializes in fucking people over, especially their "friends" because it's expected for them to take shit and deal with it due to a personal relationship smile.gif


    My belt has teeth, so does the pulley. It was removed, not on it's own accord. See my topic in the other section.


    Anyways, I've decided to go ahead and keep as-is since I'm already well past the 500+ rwhp mark, with fuel/MAF problems. 10s are right here, and a block can be a project that can be assembled bits at a time (and not by IPS, since the shop owner's little brother likes to interject his mouth since it's currently disengaged from someone's dick).


    Thanks for the input, everyone. Two years of boost is hard to part with ;)

    interesting response. we'll see who was right and wrong there...


    as for me talking for jeff, that's pretty simple, let him and everyone else from the shop back on here. oh wait, you just might look like a little bitch, again...... damn

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