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Everything posted by Farkas

  1. Fail'd hard. http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c8/eightsixgts/2lwwqzdcb1.gif
  2. Farkas

    WTF Wendys?

    Those are my favorite ones.. extra crispy
  3. Pakie, anything with an ammonia base is what works..
  4. Heart attack in a bottle?
  5. http://sa.tweek.us/emots/images/emot-flashfap.gif
  6. I heard about this yesterday.
  7. 4 course meal with Power-Tools ahhahah http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2dK9LCXDiA&NR=1
  8. I would stale face the fuck out of you if you really tried to tell me this in person.
  9. As low as my VW is, I still haven't been stuck.. The city better be paying me for the snow I'm moving though.
  10. E-brake cable a litte stretched?
  11. Big N' Tasty is what it's called now: http://www.mcwyoming.com/images/operators/1000019882/10196461_254683.jpg.jpg
  12. They have something like that.. it's just not called the McDLT.
  13. http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c8/eightsixgts/carey2.gif
  14. Monch had a new CD come out either last summer or the year before... I can't remember. Nothing to rant and rave about, but still quality.
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