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Posts posted by Farkas

  1. Originally posted by The DropTop:

    It's not just for old Japanese cars anymore...

    wow, you're now officially cool in my books. and yes.. the fragrance of the hello kitty air fresheners is quite addicting.
  2. Originally posted by 151:

    Please show me instances of regular, consistantly posting domestic owners on here that brag about how they are the fastest... I doubt that you can do it.



    Stop trying to talk shit about other people's vehicles. Your cars are:


    A) Slow.

    B) Not old enough to be classic, but old enough to be Old.

    C) What many people would consider ugly (I personally have nothing against hachis, I learned to drive stick in an eighty six hatch)

    D) Slow.


    You're on a damned car enthusiast board, of course you're going to get shit for talking smack about other people's cars if yours has < 120Hp. Grow the fuck up and stop trying to defend pathetic ricer shit.

    Dude, i'm not the one talking shit about everyone elses cars? I dont go around saying that his or her car is slow because honestly I couldn't care less. I'm just fucking tired of people being dicks to everyone else for no damn reason. Of course everyone is going to like their personal preferences more then everyone else, but that doesnt mean everyone has to share the same interests as you in cars. You can drive whatever the hell you want, and that's your decision but i'm not going to be a dick to you because you dont drive a toyota..
  3. Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

    Actaully the hardest thing he does is called a hollow back. When he is upsidedown, fully extended, head between his arms. It is impossible. He then takes it a step further and claps his feet together.


    He didnt win because he lacked anykind of classic power moves, head/hand spins etc.

    powermoves arent what win you competitions, his technical style wasn't that impressive either, but he had some really nice freezes.
  4. Originally posted by Rane:

    Oh yea! Well I bet you guys dont like his hello kitty air fresheners either. No wait, that is extremely gay my bad. Who would trust either of those ricers taste in anything?

    Please, let everyone know your definition of "rice." Last time I checked, neither me or jon have added modifications to our cars that would classify us as "ricers." Both of us know for a fact our cars are slow because THEY ARE STOCK. have you seen us parading around CR like every single domestic owner claiming they're the fastest? No, you haven't, And unlike other people on this board we are ENTHUSIASTS of oldschool toyota cars. Everyone needs to get their heads out of their fucking asses and show a little respect for everyone.
  5. Originally posted by Jon:

    Japanese culture is a lot different than American. That's what you call boso style. I think it's pretty neat. A lot of skill and work required. It's not like rice. Those are just pictures taken in the parking lot at the Tokyo Auto Salon. There are a lot better examples of this style. Outrageously styling, fender flares with super wide small wheels, external oil coolers, I think it's neat.

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