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Posts posted by Farkas

  1. just wire up a small, cheap camera somewhere above your garage, and then inside your garage have a small tv with a vcr to record what's going on. although a vhs tape might not be able to record for as long as you wish, i'm sure there are other simple solutions.
  2. ROFL, did you hear us making fun of that tiburon because it had positive offset wheels with a huge body kit? hahahaha, i was wondering why you guys were cheesin at us, i thought for sure maybe you thought it was sweet, and thought i was an ass for making fun of it. I dont know where everyone is meeting up anymore, ever since we got kicked out of speeds, i didnt care much for showing up to any meets anymore.
  3. Originally posted by Kevin R.:

    THATS ME! haha.


    Were you in the red thingy? Haha not sure what it was. Was very very clean though. Said "techno tuning" on the side.


    Ya we were headed up there too, even think I saw you and your buddy lookin at that celica, but wasn't too sure so i didnt say anything.


    That show was pretty lame BTW if anyone is planning on going. Go drive by the dealerships and you'll see the same thing minus maybe 5 concept cars.


    YellowSnake- Are you the one with the 98? Cobra. Yellow with the loud ass X-pipe?


    BTW I'm only 17.


    It seems nowadays everyone who is into cars is now on Columbus racing. Everyone I run into with a nice ride ends up being this sight. Cool shit.

    Haha, yeap that was me.. It's my 86 corolla GTS that I was driving. I might've had a quick go at ya for fun if that car wasn't infront of me, but i know for certain your car would eat mine alive lol. we were lookin for you guys in the show too, but never saw you guys around. anyways, nice to know you guys were cool enough to give us the thumbs up :cool:
  4. Me and Jon were cruising in my car to the Columbus International Auto Show, and on 71 a guy in a black mustang with the plates 5.0 pulled up to me and was trying to get me to run him. It's cool though when i was getting off at the next exit, the guys in the mustang gave us the thumbs up and what not.. just wanted to find out who that was, and if they're even on this board.
  5. good, you're onto your first step; admitting you have a problem. now, let's figure out what exactly you're talking about when you say, "it's still cool to have girlie cars."
  6. Originally posted by B1sh0p:

    Wow Hollywood, impressive. Instead of defending yourself in a flame thread WITH YOUR NAME IN THE TITLE, you let other people make comments and then post smileys. I'll add that to your list of bitch tricks you learned while smoking pole on the corner to pay for your mother's coke habit.


    As for you, Mr. Icon of Japanese female culture, as long as everyone is making blanket statements...


    I'm sorry that I'm not cool/poor enough to be a gap-toothed redneck grovetucky resident, not dumb enough to work in a factory, or ignorant enough to call others homophobic because they laugh at the fact that I want the image of a female cat wearing a hairbow as an accessory on my Mad TyT JDM vehicle. Go back to shoveling coal, working on a chaingang, or whatever else it is that you do to fund your fetish for feminine products.

    what the hell are you trying to prove by ranting about Hollywood, and getting on other people's shit? As far as I'm concerned you can go fuck yourself. You must be some poor little child that is made fun of at school every day, and then goes home to try and punk people on the internet.. how sad. And if you think this is a way you can prove dominance in some way, think again.. this just makes you look like a life sized economy box of Summer's Eve.
  7. hmm, i'm not sure exactly where you would've seen me in new albany but i'm sure it's possible. where do you work, maybe that will give me an idea? Right now the car is sitting on Espelir springs with Tokico Blue shocks and struts with T3 Camberplates up front. Hopefully sometime soon i'll be getting Coilovers with some TRD springs in the rear, lowering the car maybe another inch and a half.
  8. that video has NOT been sped up... and if you're going to say that noone can move/steer like that then you dont understand how hard it is to keep a porche like that under control at high speeds. they are notorious for understeer because of the mid-engine layout. that man is truely in total control of that car, and i'm fascinated.
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