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Everything posted by Farkas

  1. Yessir, burnt down in a fire.
  2. I spotted this one at Easton... very cool :thumbup: http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/230550_667066566597_50609503_34692905_5936256_n.jpg
  3. I mean... the car is sadly gone, and the owner is a complete douche, but you gotta love this? http://i461.photobucket.com/albums/qq334/offfthaheeezay/NEXT/choppedbmw.jpg http://i461.photobucket.com/albums/qq334/offfthaheeezay/NEXT/choppedbmwinterior.jpg
  4. Love this thing http://i687.photobucket.com/albums/vv233/VW_SWFC_BEST/RatMk31.jpg Rolling video of the car on hydros dragging frame
  5. Crest toothpaste oddly works really well as a polish on glass... I've used it to remove light scratches and even hard water stains.
  6. Pork and kraut club, checking in.
  7. Using Pedophilia is a terrible comparison as to what I'm trying to point out... I'm sorry. I couldn't care less if a person is vegan or vegetarian. I actually enjoy a lot of vegetarian dishes myself, so being anti-anything is out of the question. Fuck, I love Taco Bell and everybody know's that's not even food at all What I have a problem with is the fact that they make videos like this as if people are completely stupid as to how their hamburger or steak ended up on their plate. No shit they have to kill the animal at some point... how the fuck can you KILL an innocent animal without it being considered, "inhumane?" We've been hunting and killing animals for thousands of years and those animals are born and raised for food, DEAL. WITH. IT.
  8. It's a one sided video about animals who are bred for food and etc... of course they're only going to show the violent and abusive stuff they do to the animals.
  9. Farkas


    Gabe, you dropped your card... is this how you pick up guys at Butter's?
  10. That shit's hilarious, Brian. Those Marines fucked his shit up, baddd.
  11. Let's talk about how fake that is.
  12. My favorite part is that it's a 6-cylinder mopping up some V8s.
  13. Farkas

    WBC back at it

    Soooo.... what's to stop everyone from starting a protest at every one of their sunday Westboro morning sermons? Someone get me a tugboat horn and a bunch of megaphones and I'll make a point.
  14. Chip tha Ripper is really the only honorable mention, IMO.
  15. Farkas

    Sam and I

    Some say, in his wallet he carries a picture of his wallet... All we know is, he's called Sam.
  16. Get off my dick, Jones.
  17. http://pokato.net/demot/2010-11-02-23-14-091766459153.jpg http://pokato.net/demot/2010-11-02-23-14-091766459153.jpg http://pokato.net/demot/2010-11-02-23-14-091766459153.jpg http://pokato.net/demot/2010-11-02-23-14-091766459153.jpg http://pokato.net/demot/2010-11-02-23-14-091766459153.jpg http://pokato.net/demot/2010-11-02-23-14-091766459153.jpg
  18. I have to drive the car on 2x4s to get a jack underneath, then I jack it up so I can get the arms of the lift underneath the lift points and carry on with an oil change just like any other car.
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