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Everything posted by Farkas

  1. I think a TDI is better than a GLI... true story.
  2. So, when is he going to swap a sweet car onto that motor?
  3. I very much approve. :thumbup:
  4. Are you looking to buy some, or get more information about them? I might know someone who can help you... he has done quite a few security and surveillance systems at bars around Columbus and Cincinnati.
  5. I broke my left arm, but I still have to say the kidney stone I had was the worst pain I've ever endured.
  6. It's yellow... it's going to be heinous no matter what shade it is.
  7. Suit yourself... I'd go to a suggested muffler shop from someone on here and have them cut you a deal.
  8. Just like a woman who really has something to say but won't say it when asked. They keep telling you nothing, then there's the one day where they just shit everywhere and let all of the bitching out, finally. Feeling okay, Hal?
  9. Why would you replace it with an OEM unit that obviously keeps failing, when you could take it to a muffler shop and have them weld a better piece in, for half the price?
  10. Can't rape the willing.
  11. The fuck is going on here.
  12. You need a little more drop shadow on the part that's out of the frame.
  13. It's a CRX... just put the windows down.
  14. Ali? I think you've confused yourself with who you reall are... A hack. I don't even think half the newbies that join know who the hell you are? Just goes to show, when a welterweight of sorts, like me, steps up to the plate to take a swing, that's a good indication you've fallen off the map, or you're a nobody. Calling me a euro-ricer fag was an insult I would expect from Paul, if he were still around... And we all know Paul couldn't make a 5 letter password to save his life. I was really hoping for something new, and refreshing as far as insults about my VW, but seems you've got nothing. Sure, I understand you're married and really don't have time to sharpen your e-thuggery skills in between gargling your husband's balls, or pumice stoning his feet, but really, admit you're simply not what you used to be. Spending all that time with your husband has made you soft, and apparently a dull drunk. Take a seat Stallone, your days are over.
  15. Truth be told, I wanted to fucking suplex every customer through the window at work today, but instead I ended my day by venting in this thread. Possibly I was channeling some Kenny or Hal(when he wasn't such a little bitch), but it felt good. :gabe: It almost ended with me getting banned, but I figure I'll end up with the equivalent of a punch in the nuts?
  16. If you want to battle, meet me at the flag pole, 8 am sharp next event. better wear your flyest snap-back and windbreakers cause I'm taking you back to the 90s, chump.
  17. WHY YOU MAD?! This is THE KITCHEN, after all. P.S.- Why do you think I didn't run at Trails last event... That water box was deep as shit. :gabe: P.P.S.- It might have even been put there intentionally, to keep me away.
  18. Names? Let me start out with you. -V8 Beast You find something you probably found funny on another website and post it on CR hoping you'll get some attention. Sure, a couple people probably got a few giggles out of the rage story the first time around, but the second time around, it's just fucking beat, not even funny, and drawn out. I feel it's more-or-less a way to get more attention, and/or the typical nutswing thread. I'm going to give you this, so you actually feel like all that hard work of trying to get people's attention has paid off... Congratulations, gold star! http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lgs5qb6H9m1qachqdo1_400.png -Hal You like to think that The Kitchen is your stomping ground, but really I feel like I'm watching Sylvester Stallone sequels... the dude should have given up forever ago while he was ahead. For fucks sake, your hay-day was years ago.. give it up. The long winded insults you peck out at 14 words per minute are dry and humorless compared to what you used to insult people with. I mean c'mon, I think you even made a couple people cry back in the day. Don't let me get under your skin though, I hope you continue on in memory of the good times... you know, when you could actually insult someone without as much as breaking a sweat. Hell, even Cody trolled the fuck out of everyone in a thread made about himself... Best entertainment this website has seen in a while, and all you could do was ACT like you're going to stick up for him in the end? I think your screen name really ought to be Cinderella Man- A great movie that seems to be quite parallel to your CR biography. -Not Brian Why are you quoting me? You're the one person I had in mine before V8 Beast. Honestly, you bitch all the time in the LOL thread about how people don't post funny shit, yet Rich has a re-post every other page and it's still funnier than the retarded shit you probably got from your parents, in an email everyone already received, in 1995. :gtfo: -Kickass I'm surprised you even made it into a thread that wasn't about some fucking retarded Droid vs Iphone debate... seriously. Everyone knows you love your douchecockleberry or whatever fucking droid does, cupcake mod, 13th revision, super-duper rom-booter nerdy shitstain of a phone. Let me remind you, this is Columbus Racing. Although there's a lot of fags here who hardly race, and it's not condoned, we'd still rather talk about which gun to buy and where to get a fucking haircut than your damn phone. -Jones Speaking of dry humping phones, we know you fucking hump the shit out of your Audi and that's fine, but you can keep it to yourself, already. :fa: -Johnny Bravo I swear to god, people swing off your nuts more than anyone else on this forum, aside from Sam. However, the Schnauzie picture is pale in comparison to the level of funnies that I got from Kevin R's graphs. With that being said, I ask why people REALLY swing on your nuts? My conclusion: Must be the plucked eyebrows :masturboy: http://www.gifsoup.com/view4/1324222/mic-drop-charlie-murphy-o.gif
  19. Farkas


    Usually does around this time.
  20. Some of you fuckers try so hard.. god damn.
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