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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. I've used them. They have planes. They fly.
  2. I bet he pronounces it "dead mau five" too.
  3. I liked Clay's C4 mostly because he got rid of those stock wheels.
  4. You don't need to grind the hub.. just the head of the stud. I used a dremel to cut off a piece because I didn't have a grinder handy.
  5. Remember the Civette? That thing was an ice cube on a frying pan. Fun to watch, but worthless to drive.
  6. yeah sure you're probably right.. All I'm saying is the few extra pounds up front is a drip in the bucket compared to the added 300hp.
  7. 0:43 looks like it's up in the air for the world to see, don't get all rustled. If I hang meat in front of a lion I'm not gonna bitch when I get bit.
  8. dangling airsoft guns.. she's part of "copwatch".. come on.
  9. You can just have it for free man.. I can bring it to c&c tomorrow.
  10. I think she was baiting them just like all the other videos like this that try to stir shit up.
  11. Justin I have a bigass 32mm hub socket if you want it. I bought it for my civic when I replaced a half shaft and haven't needed it since. They're like $35 at the store.
  12. You're right I do remember shaving off a bit of the new head with a dremel when I had to replace one on my civic
  13. You literally just have to pound the old one out the back with a hammer and pound the new one in.
  14. I don't know why people think V8 automatically equals elephant.. looks like they're going with an LS7 in the thread posted (150lbs heavier than stock)
  15. geez that guy sounds like he might gladly sell it back.
  16. an LS3 longblock only weighs 415lbs.
  17. god you hillbillies are always like a week behind the rest of the internet
  18. Batman movies are aids without the joker
  19. sometimes I feel like I'm blowing on glowing kindling but yeah
  20. http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/9976/weeeee.gif http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/7823/flipsy.gif
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