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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. I have a feeling Insurance is going to.. give her the shaft
  2. I like how the skyline with 200 less whp was staying right with him
  3. Frustration from getting juked?
  4. lol yeah all this shit is happening like right around us.. and yeah why the fuck was she shooting
  5. $250k wtf? How big is the house?
  6. http://www.badapostrophes.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/apostrophize-all-the-things.png
  7. It's hit and miss. My buddy had an apartment there for awhile and a lot of it is crap, but there are still some nice streets. The farther away your house is from a cheap apartment complex the better.. but since he's just renting he'll be fine.
  8. http://forgifs.com/gallery/d/194242-1/Abracadabra-magician-abortion.gif
  9. There are reasons for that: http://www.google.com Also, 55" is the start of the more expensive sizes. Start going higher than that and it gets expensive real quick especially with 120Hz or more thrown in. I would personally get a 55" 120 or 240 Hz LG. Don't even bother with a 60Hz of any brand no matter how cheap they offer it. 60Hz is for homeless people.
  10. http://i.imgur.com/JH5gh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/ialZN.jpg dumb snake http://img833.imageshack.us/img833/8189/snaaaaakkkee.gif
  11. http://static2.fjcdn.com/thumbnails/comments/I+think+we+should+cut+off+Florida+and+let+it+_8c1be9e1ee2d7be635f00bf060d6b243.gif
  12. joans yours is a 6 speed stick right? Not some paddle shifter malarky is it?
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