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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. Not Brian


    Vipers will turn more heads than any car on the road. One day I'd love to own one as a weekend toy.
  2. that was anticlimactic
  3. "party50" works if you don't buy stuff off the specialty menu.
  4. Not Brian


    My power stayed tight also.
  5. Not Brian


  6. Hey so did I ya unoriginal reposting kunt fagget LOL http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=104669
  7. I dont get it, I had a pos bike as a kid that lasted years and I rode it every day.. Did bikes suddenly turn to shit or what?
  8. I've found a few aluminum-framed bikes for 50-80 bucks on craigslist that look perfect for me..
  9. Not Brian


    http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Ricochet16/1341016234.jpg maybe this storm will finish the job
  10. ha, yeah true. I just don't see the demographic; I could maybe see it in Lance Armstrong's garage that he used twice to check out the nifty phone app then hung it all up to rot.. meh
  11. That video is funny, it's like Ken Block trying to sell you a car.. and the first thing I asked my lazy self is "where is the seat?"
  12. Bump? Looking for the same thing.
  13. Wiggle the two front axles with your hand for starters..
  14. Ignore Angry Bird, he went to Reynoldsburg schools.
  15. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/005/545/OpoQQ.jpg
  16. http://i39.tinypic.com/142sklu.jpg http://thisisphotobomb.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/photobomb-that-guy-cheese.jpg
  17. If you just want something to plug into your TV and work, buy this: http://www.roku.com/ They go from $40-$120+ on Amazon http://www.blogcdn.com/www.switched.com/media/2010/09/switched09-28-10huluroku.jpg
  18. Louis ck and wilfred are on right after.. But both those were kinda meh this week
  19. this new show is garbage compared to that. I turned it off after 20min of not laughing. Yawn.
  20. Not Brian


  21. I love their bbq chicken but yeah anything else is so-so. Thanks Frank.
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