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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. I love the olde tyme black and white pictures from 1990
  2. Nothing screams "sports car" like a nice luggage rack.
  3. Not Brian

    Hi all

    9/10 noobs who make it out of the oven never post again.
  4. in old school gran turismo the slightest turn = spinout city
  5. Not Brian


    Your link is for drag radials
  6. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Ricochet16/cancer.jpg
  7. I love the new Dodge tail lights.
  8. because those cars are stinking piles of fail
  9. New rule: Every time you hillbillies call an internet lady ugly you have to post pictures of your woman.
  10. If ifs and ands were pots and pans your mom would make me a sandwich in the kitchen.. or something.
  11. I have a weird boner for the white wagon
  12. Applebee's on Sawmill would be more suiting.. again
  13. He's got the biggest smile in the room
  14. cordell has a gay miata boyfriend now yay http://www.gencforum.org/smileycandir/misc_dosyalar/gay.gif
  15. I was standing right behind this person filming when this happened Seemed to be the racing mentality at CMS every time I've gone
  16. Yeah I saw the trailer during last night's family guy and it looked kindasorta funny. This trailer is way better
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