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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTHNNVtziEg&list=FLzMCQ7pz8JbwksvXVDg8Qsw&index=14&feature=plpp_video :lolguy: I gotta try this stuff.. or even better, get a friend to try this stuff while I record it.
  2. I haven't had a flu shot since I was a kid and I never get the flu
  3. I remember the msrp being ridiculously high last time this gun was posted, like a thousand bucks or so..?
  4. Yeah it shoots insanely fast and accurate but even in hardcore I've had to hit a guy 4-5 times to put him down
  5. aw honey go ahead keep puking while I go grab my camera..
  6. Can't tell you how many times I've emptied a mag on a guy and the very last round kills him in mw3.. happens a lot though.
  7. Is that camera any good
  8. +1 it's all 100% fake and retarded.
  9. Ask for $16 an hour if that is what sounds reasonable. Just me.. I've been burned on this game before.
  10. I just googled it and they make anywhere from thirteen bucks an hour up to $100k
  11. car backs into yours in a parking lot while you're inside, then drives away..
  12. I fuckin love camping, it makes people incredibly angry. I love hearing grown men yell at me in full surround sound after they come looking for me just to find I switched corners in the same room and killed them again. Boner points for getting a camping kill-cam, then leave the room after you win so nobody can get revenge. Eat my fuck faggots
  13. Every room has 2-3 entrances into it, there is no perfect hiding spot..
  14. lul heartbeat sensor sucks, gives you a false sense of knowing where people are
  15. hold a position yourself and quit running around so damn much there is no "bling" in mw3 The kill cam isn't an exact replication of what happened on that person's screen. If you watch other peoples' views in hardcore while you're dead you'll see the movements aren't all jerky and exact, they're smoothed-out and simplified.
  16. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lrr7ac5AsZ1qfjjglo1_500.gif
  17. blah blah blah noob QQ blah blah blah
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