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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. fuck I want some chilli now. Stillman makes some of the best I've ever had..
  2. http://i1085.photobucket.com/albums/j431/piratemosh666/Forum%20gifs%20and%20pics/Im_so_british.jpg http://www.reactiongifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/tumblr_ljnyu5HR3p1qzmowao1_500.gif http://www.reactiongifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/you-will-never-know-happiness-like-this.gif
  3. 8:48 is the funniest thing ever
  4. First one was better, but neither were great.
  5. Damn looks really nice man, I like that color.
  6. what a shitty dickfuck asshole intro
  7. eh, I edited, but here's a pic of the piece of vagina she left in the shower http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Ricochet16/1317011866.jpg
  8. I had sex in the shower with my woman and finished inside of her because she's raggin and won't get pregnant. Seems logical to me.
  9. dip to quit smoking smoke to quit dipping dip to quit smoking smoke to quit dipping dip to quit smoking smoke to quit dipping
  10. they don't help shit, they collect dust on the coffee table after one week and whatever the fuck is in those things made me feel worse than real cigs. I'm sure some hippy will come swing his dick around this thread about them being his savior for quitting but I'm a realist and they're a head-game gimmick that just plain doesn't work. The only way to quit is to just fucking quit. Wake up one morning and just don't smoke. You'll feel like smoking, but don't do it. It really is that easy.. just don't smoke.
  11. I keep seeing this thread in my peripherals as "want to start drinking.." and then I get all thirsty
  12. The only way to quit is willpower.. some faggy little lightbulb stick won't help you at all, I tried. Whatever they put in those things makes your throat all scratchy and shit and you just want the real thing right afterwards. Worthless. I woke up one morning and just said fuck it I'm not smoking anymore, and made cigarettes my bitch. I haven't had one since January and it doesn't bug me one bit.
  13. headshot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSIcWps9_mY&feature=share
  14. We're stuck in the past, using computers to get on the internet..
  15. the donkeys are free. Take them to a cliff ledge somewhere and they'll even push back.
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