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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. Money that could be spent making it faster than a stock honda civic..
  2. Generic hilarious .gif that nobody laughs at
  3. For the time taken for them to actually call the help desk, get a ticket dispatched, have the ticket assigned me to walk upstairs/other end of the building and get shit straight, it's about that much out of your pocket in tax money..
  4. I recommend listening to that song while watching this .gif http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_le4lw60Gcy1qex40do1_500.gif
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmJNOQ_npMw turned out to be a catchy tune http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_L1e8nf7arNE/TI6QnkXymbI/AAAAAAAAAx8/TkPQmB4Zb2U/s1600/Trussel+-+Love+injection.jpeg
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQv-kYsclSM Dude these are awesome. OP links are fudged, but check youtube.
  7. $200 says OSU still beats Michigan.
  8. Just buy a new one, you don't know what kinda fatasses stretched the thing out on a used one. You can get a 15-16 footer with a net and stuff for like $300 at walmart.
  9. There are people who call the help desk when their monitor magically turns off because they accidentally kicked the power cord loose under their desk
  10. Always nice to see a good repost pop back up once in awhile I guess.. Like this gem from 2003'ish
  11. Damn Mike that looks good
  12. bad ass man, welcome to the site
  13. http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/3742/40455.jpg
  14. Not Brian

    Tonight 5/29

    Sorry I didn't make it, my buddies put together a cookout and texted me literally as I was walking out the door.
  15. Those cars are gayer than piercing your right ear lobe and I've never seen somebody with a god damn smiley face in their god damn screen name
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