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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. http://i.imgur.com/2AtK24B.jpg
  2. 1320videos actually just said it's gonna be $130k.. that's ridiculous.
  3. Cool, a $90,000 car that goes fast in a straight line.
  4. Yep I walked over and 800 birds flew away. It's covered.
  5. Took the day off and went for a drive, turning whenever I felt like it. Randomly came across this fucking thing. http://i.imgur.com/LEFnQR2.jpg?1
  6. Not Brian

    1995 F-250

    Very cool. I love mid-90's Ford trucks.
  7. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Tapatalk while driving home from the bar
  8. Liquidation sale starts tomorrow.
  9. What loophole makes this thing a pistol? http://truthaboutguns-zippykid.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/P1380627-900x601.jpg
  10. I'd rather be injured than my car get fucked up. I can heal and shit.
  11. Ha, it's like turning the gamma and brightness all the way up in a dark video game. Anyway my MOS for eight years was night vision repair and this shit is awesome. Check out a more in-depth video if you want.. basically this = good, everything else = bad.
  12. Center black or debadge completely, which is what I'm thinking about doing. http://i.imgur.com/GJOdBth.jpg?1 Also, those smoked tails raise the 6g ass end's tolerableness significantly. Have you done any performance mods? Do their NPP exhausts have the fuse-pull trick like the 5g's do to keep the exhaust flap open all the time?
  13. Man. The 6g's look really good in white.
  14. Yo. Check out the Camaro 1LE fb group.
  15. I'm assuming it comes with better shoes than the Hellcat's 275 P-Zeros to get that number.. otherwise enjoy your cloud of smoke.
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