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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. IT sucks. Do outdoorsy shit like marine biology or something. Or hell, the railroad is always hiring.
  2. Army. After that, anybody will hire you. You're a tax break to them.
  3. 23/270/315 is definitely the suck, or at least I thought it was, then I moved to the East side. I can't wait to move back, away from the 70/270 insanity over here.
  4. I grew up in Worthington and can't think of an area you could really go wrong in. Some of the neighborhoods are pretty old by now, but value hasn't gone down or anything.
  5. https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xpt1/t50.2886-16/12482492_1091611254194222_1518831473_n.mp4
  6. Also the C7 has a 7-speed Tremec that keeps it in the powerband.
  7. I love watching cars go that fast with a manual trans.
  8. http://musiciansroadhouse.com/images/smilies/jackoff.gif https://vid.me/1lPD
  9. Angry Oregon Militia Leader Tells The Internet Trolls To Stop Mailing Them Dildos
  10. Oh, weird. Only had a few spots of slush on the road here. I was all excited to finally use 4wd but soon as I left the neighborhood it was just wet roads.
  11. I wouldn't buy a used turbocharged car as a daily, especially an expensive bmw. I know every car has their issues but that's really rolling the dice imo.
  12. I would stray from the G8. The L76 has displacement on demand, and it has issues (Google L76 stuck lifters and you'll get pages of hits). Plus, automatic.. psh. Sitting in traffic can suck with a manual, but for the quick sprints it's worth it.
  13. I've never had an issue with 90's Fords and I've owned 4. In my experiences they're virtually indestructible.
  14. I watched them all a couple months ago. Dude's kinda dorky but the vids get pretty entertaining past the first couple episodes. The level of detail he goes through is insane, no matter what car/engine combo it is.
  15. So he did all that to end up with a prettier-looking 4 cylinder. Neat. If you want to see a real Miata build, check out this series.
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