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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. I am an un-happy JetHot customer. I'd go with other coating providers. I'm unhappy with both the quality of the coating and their customer service.
  2. Good knives, lame job. Had an ex-g/f do that for a month; she basically made almost no money.
  3. http://www.engadgethd.com/2007/12/18/the-problem-with-atandts-u-verse/ http://www.broadbandreports.com/shownews/ATT-Confirms-Dual-HD-Stream-UVerse-Upgrade-94620 If what you are saying is true, then it is a RECENT relase, as I've had a number of former Uverse customers complain about a single HD stream. That said, for anyone with a large family, Uverse sucks big time. Not when a deal is made to run said wires for a discounted/free rate. And in most MDU's, that is the case. No company is wiring a MDU up just so another company can use its wires, unless it is being paid fully for it to do so. Why do you think there almost always (by almost, I really mean 99% of the time) seperate lockboxes with seperate feeds. Sure you can disco phone in the phone NID if one is on the unit, but if it is a phone ped/lockbox outside, you can only disco it in the home legally.
  4. He hasn't been on my old tube (I still use it for double tubing, but that's about it). NO ONE likes riding that thing; it's a bitch to get on it, and very easy to come off of it. It sits higher than most tubes, is slightly narrower, and is not stable. Speed doesn't knock people off a tube...bumps do. Do WOT circles in the boat....the waves you'll make will cause some awesome crashes.
  5. Maybe you are just a pussy and she isn't?
  6. By amazing, you mean once you can't watch and HD program and record another at the same time (or watch two HD programs in the house at the same time). Pretty amazing, especially since it is very common for my DVR to be recording two HD programs at the same time. Wait until a non-idiot from TW is working in their lockbox and sees a swung line...you will be without your TV with the quickness. They aren't supposed to share those lines. Probably some newbie disco tech just giving the AT&T guy the line and not knowing any better.
  7. Use Brian. He has been doing it way longer than most of the others around here, and WILL take care of your car.
  8. What they do well is sell the same, boring cars many other car companys offer. Honda offers reliable cars too, things that compete directly, for the same money. But at least they have a few cars worth considering to buy (not that I'm a fan of Honda's selection, but far better than Toyotas car selection). Toyota is fine on the truck/SUV side...too bad no one wants them anymore.
  9. I can say I've never owned that much of a beater before.
  10. Import wise, I tend to like Japanese much less than European stuff overall. The Toyota brand in the US (not Lexus) hasn't made what I'd call a cool car this century. ALL of the mainstream Japanese and European car companies selling in the US have done so. Yet sadly, Toyota is doing great...IMO, they should be flopping right now more than any other company. I don't give two shits about a Camry, nor have any desire to ever own one.
  11. Odd...JD Power has rated WOW higher than DirectTV and Dish Network for customer service for a couple of years now. DirectTV's CEO even had a conference this year talking about their great customer service and what they do, but had to mention a blurb during it that they were beaten by a small, regional cable company: WOW. WOW's CEO was sitting there at the conference. People can go with whatever they want. I have personally had good experience's with WOW's service. Better than I can say with Time Warner and Insight.
  12. Nitrousbird


    100% correct. We are finalizing ours right now. It basically protects us from either asking for alimony, driving up CC bills during a divorce, protects retirement funds, etc. I can't imagine Janet and I ever breaking apart, but if the unforseable happens, it won't happen for financial gain.
  13. WOW. Period. I'm stuck with TW at my fiancée's place, where I now live. I still have all my WOW stuff back at my house...and it is simply better. Hell, I'm watching my WOW DVR through my Slingbox at my fiancée's place right now. I also miss Discovery HD, which TW doesn't offer.
  14. I may resort to this offer if I am never able to find it online. Cost wise, a Laserdisc player is ~15-20 shipped, movie is another $5. That said, I'm sure I could come back and sell most of it back on e-bay for only a small loss.
  15. 1991 classic starring Richard Grieco If Looks Could Kill Problem: has never been released on DVD. Has been released on VHS and Laserdisc. If I had a Laserdisc player, I'd simply E-bay a copy for a couple of bucks, and transfer it to DVD. Does anyone have/or have a resource, to get a digital copy of it (from the Laserdisc version, not pulled from a crappy VHS tape). Nothing on Usenet for this movie. I normally don't download movies, as I am picky about the quality of my burns, and online stuff tends to vary too much, so my online resources for downloading movies is limited.
  16. I hope your plans include selling it and buying something worth putting money into.
  17. Still have the A4? How much did that thing set you back? I'll have to show Janet the pics; she loved all the S8's on the lot when she was buying her A4.
  18. It is sad that I was thrilled to fill the boat and Avalanche yesterday at $3.65. And at that price, gas was still freaking expensive!
  19. That's not Griggs, that's O'Shaughnessy. It's a similar body of water; a little wider, but doesn't have as long of a straight stretch as Griggs. It is a good place to boat too.
  20. Griggs is the water next to Riverside Dr. The fast boat-able part is between Fishinger Rd and Hayden Run. North of Hayden, there is still a shorter fast area, with a slalom course. South of Fishinger, you have the boat ramps , and can run hard over to the boat club. If coming from 270, you just take Fishinger Rd. Take it past Dublin Rd, over the bridge, to Riverside. Turn right on Riverside, and the next light, you turn right...and you are there. The water is usually really calm, and is easily the biggest wakeboard spot in Central Ohio. No tubing or lake lice allowed, though...that's why we hit Muskingum for that. Obvisouly you know that's a great place to run full-out (perfect water that's longer than Alumn), but a lot longer drive too. Now that I almost live on Griggs, we mostly go there.
  21. If you are doing top speed runs early in the morning, why not go to something a little closer and for sure to be calm, such as Griggs or O'Shaughnessy. Both are plenty deep enough, and enough room to do top speed runs. Plenty of nice boats go out there; I feel so poor running around all those 50k+ Wakeboard boats out there...I want one, BAD! No reason to be up at 6am. Hell, make it more like 10am (will still be plenty calm). I now live almost on Griggs, and boat there weekly...can have my boat at the launch ramp in 3-4 minutes from leaving the condo.
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