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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. O-L-D!!!! Different link than the last time I saw it, but still ancient.
  2. That's probably not even her, just someone that looks similar.
  3. I see a tramp stamp. And you have a stain on your jeans.
  4. It landed in their house, so it is their property. But when insurance covers to fix the house, is it the insurance company's property at that point?
  5. And didn't they just re-ellect Ray Nagin? Go figure. I low how this is a racist thing, yet there were poor people of all races living there. It has nothing to do with race, it has to do with people being responsible for themselves.
  6. QFT. As someone in the cable field, I know some of these descramblers do work, some don't. That said, it IS illegal, and further, a lot of the premium analog channels are going away as digital becomes more popular = they are becoming much less useful and relavant. The basic analog channels will always be there, but an illegal box doesn't do anything w/ those anyway.
  7. I'd be interested at that price.
  8. I forgot, all those NO people are saints. Those videos of them breaking into places and stealing electronics, breaking into people's homes, etc. were all just fake videos.
  9. It's all about supply and demand, right?? With this extended amount of unseasonably warm weather, we obviously aren't using nearly as much natural gas as normally would be used. And obviously the Natural Gas companies ramped up production of winter, as normally it is in heavy use. Supply and demand would make me "think" that the prices would be lower (as in lower per unit used, not just a lower bill because you use less). God knows if the demand is crazy they will charge more per unit. Anyone think the price will actually go down, or will we just be padding pockets of the natural gas companies as usual?
  10. What's a "real doctor" going to be able to do for me? I don't want pain meds, nor in this case would they be useful. They can give me stretches to do, but I know a chiropractor will as well (gave my dad a bunch of stretches and exercises to do with his back issues). But what else can they going to do for me?? I obviously wouldn't want surgery for something like this, I doubt it is some major back issue (as it would hurt more than when I sleep).
  11. For the past month or so, whenever I sleep more than 4 hours, my upper back is killing me. Feels like someone is stabbing it with a knife. After I'm up for an hour or so, it doesn't hurt at all, and doesn't for the rest of the day. Happens sleeping in my bed, my g/f's bed, my couch, and even my parent's couch the one night I slept on it. It's gotten to the point I can't get as much sleep as I need some nights, so I figured it is time to get checked out. I made an appointment for this Monday. Anything I should know before I go? Anything to watch out for? Cautions, concerns, etc.? My dad had some back problems, went to one, and did wonders for him, so I'm optimistic. I've also had neck pain for years, but have just kind of toughed through it, but I think I'll have that checked out as well. I'm not one to go to a doctor for some aches and pains, but I'd like to be able to get a full night's sleep and not wake up in pain!
  12. I'd like to drop 20, but the problem with a contest is that a fat-ass has a way better chance of winning than someone that only needs to drop a few pounds (that includes reduction in body-fat vs. just weight reduction). Let's face it, it it much easier/quicker to go from 20% body fat to 15%, than from 15% to 10.
  13. Uhh, "digital" is nothing more than services on a certain frequency; there are "digital cables" and "non-digital" cables in a house. The box does 2 things; allows for tuning into those frequencies (as standard TV tuners don't go to those frequencies, and can't process digital information), and decrypts any encrypted content.
  14. Move it anywhere you want, assuming the levels are good enough (which you wouldn't be able to know without a meter, which are big $$). Hook it up, and check your digital channels; if you don't have any digital breakup, you should be good to go.
  15. Not bad, but I was hoping for some red bush! Put a little color on her and she would be good to go.
  16. Guess I'm in the minority. Big saggy tits with huge nipples aren't my thing at all. She's nice looking otherwise.
  17. That's some chewed up snatch right there!
  18. 53k and the reserve still isn't met.......
  19. Man, everyone seems to be getting broken into, shot at, or watching people die. Mine was better than that. Went to a Jackets game, then spent the rest of the evening at Frog Bear. We had 3 girls invite us back to their room at Crowne Plaza, where I scored some free pizza and Jager Bombs. G/f is out of the country right now, so that's all I scored.
  20. Greg, you are getting rid of your nice house for a condo??
  21. That sucks. Do any damage to your car??
  22. The current Viper has an MSRP of 84k, so 90k sounds very doubtful.
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