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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. That is the exact opposite of my system. When I am taxing the CPU, it gets loud as hell - but she has to stay cool some how. Hell, when I'm running 100% for extended periods of time, I can heat my office by simply closing the door. What kinds of temps are you hitting when maxing that thing out on water cooling? I'm normally hitting the high 70's on my rig.
  2. Wife has a 06 A4 2.0T Quattro, purchased in 08 with 24k on the clock from Buyers Audi. Also has the CPO warranty in addition to the remaining factory warranty that was on it when she purchased it. As you can see from the following pictures, the center caps are peeling, especially the front ones (but they are starting to on the rear as well). Factory warranty is up, still sporting the CPO warranty. 50k miles now, still on original brake pads, so it isn't an aftermarket pad causing this peeling from the dust. Last time in the dealer (MAG), we inquired about it, and they said it isn't covered and quoted us some insane number to replace them. I'd like to take this a step higher - there is no reason for these caps to be peeling like this. I've had other cars with painted center caps with far more miles and abuse and they weren't doing this. Any ideas on whom I should contact regarding this - or am I just going to be SOL? http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=168&pictureid=4640 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=168&pictureid=4637 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=168&pictureid=4639 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=168&pictureid=4638 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=168&pictureid=4641
  3. Nice - very clean looking. I like!
  4. No, you are lame - which is why you have been negative repped, so that you won't be allowed into the rest of this site.
  5. You can get a nice one for under 50k now easily.
  6. I far prefer the DVD buring method. Download the .iso for whatever game you want, burn it to a .15 cent DVD, and you never have to store it anywhere, have a special hard drive for it, etc. Plays just like the original. But I guess if you have a newer system you can't do that, so then you are stuck doing a USB loader instead.
  7. That is an uber-easy charge to dispute with your credit card. Fax over the gas pump receipt, and you are good to go.
  8. Since he sold it, you could get a better 6' cable on Monoprice for $3.04.
  9. I wouldn't call it outdated. They work very well - no update issues (recently updated mine), plays burned games just like they were purchased, and no f'ing around with anything - it just works. When I mod-chipped mine, the only soft mods out were using Twilight Princess, and it was a unreliable PITA. I haven't looked into soft mods since, so maybe they work as good as a mod-chips now.
  10. Pickerington is a lot nicer than Reynoldsburg. This is a fact. They can spend money all day and that's not going to help. This is what will help Reynoldsburg: - More cops - a lot more cops. Get tough on crime - Quit spending on any stupid project. Run it like a business. - Lower the tax rates, both residential, and tax incentives to businesses. Reynoldsburg will never be a Westerville, New Albany, Worthington, Dublin, Powell, etc. It isn't meant to be, and that's not a bad thing. The focus should be a clean/safe area to live, with reasonably priced homes. And at one time, this is EXACTLY what Reynoldsburg was.
  11. Canadamods.ca 40 dollar plug-and-play chip. You can DIY in about 15 minutes.
  12. LOL - steamed sprouts and espresso - yuck. I did get my wife an espresso machine, but I'm not drinking that filtered dirt. And I'm still noisy, I just have more room to do it. Luckily most of my neighbors have quads/dirtbikes, so no one complains about my loud ass Raptor. I make nothing on that place. I am just going to sell it at a loss when their lease is up. I am already getting about the max amount of rent you could ever hope to get, mostly because of all the updates I did to it. Taxes on the home we live in are about that - but it's a lot nicer home/lot more land/FAR better area too - and still a far lower rate than Reynoldsburg. That's crazy. My wife's condo, which was next to Durance Park (which is on Griggs Resevoir), Columbus address but was really between Upper Arlington & Hilliard, Hillard Schools, was only $3300/year - and we sold it for a little over 150k. It was a awesome location. I would, but I doubt they would devalue it enough to make a siginificant difference, and it would likely hurt the potential sale next year more than I would gain from the tax savings. If I were keeping it, I would have already done so. I already own a snow blower. I'm pissed I can't sell the house because over over taxation and a declining area - that's pretty fucking legit. But I guess that makes me a yuppie, lol. How can anyone think the Reynoldsburg tax rate is fair? It's not? I'm sorry if I am pointing out that the area is quickly on the decline, taxes are crazy, and the city officials think fixing it is blowing money on "fancy" street signs or other shit that doesn't fix the issue. Mind you, I've been pissed about this for a while, but this new tax bill is $300 more than last years, so this problem is on the rise!
  13. I just got my tax statement for my Reynoldsburg property. House is assessed @ 118k, which is BS in itself as it won't sell for that - I've tried. Property tax went up to $2740 a year. FUCK THAT. That is seriously a Dublin tax rate. I just looked up a couple Dublin homes at the 120k price range, and their tax rate is the same. But let's see: - Dublin has FAR better schools - Dublin isn't turning into the fucking ghetto - Dublin is in a far better area of town It's no wonder Reynoldsburg is turning into a complete shit hole - they are pricing everyone out of there, leaving crappy renters to live there instead. When I bought the joint in 2002, taxes were $1550 a year. In 9 years, taxes take a $1200 hike??!! I sure as hell couldn't tell you where the money went, as it was a far nicer place to live back in 2002. Luckily the neighborhood my property is in hasn't went to hell, but it is only a matter of time. Thank god I don't live there anymore, or I'd also be paying fucking School Income Tax to them too.
  14. John Force isn't building his own shit on a tight budget either.
  15. Ahh, I love how all the fucktards in this thread give shit to a guy with faster vehicles than ANY of you. I think his answers hold a lot more weight than yours do, because - imagine that - he has actually built something that runs quick.
  16. Went a couple years ago. Casino is decent. Stayed at the Hilton, but wasn't all that great for a Hilton. Once you start getting away from the border, it is a pretty normal city - reminded me a bit of suburban Columbus.
  17. Nitrousbird

    WTF AEP???

    LOL - I've seen his house, and it is probably nicer than yours. It isn't what I would call in the country either (if a 4 minute drive to a significant shopping/food areas is in the country, then so be it) - Why live within city limits? I don't, and am all happier for it. And where does living within city limits = more expensive home? I can show you plenty of multi-million dollar homes in Central Ohio that are not within any city limits. - Plenty of city limits homes have aerial utilities. I'm not within city limits and have underground. - What is wrong with working 3rd shift? I loved it back when I was in college.
  18. Nitrousbird

    WTF AEP???

    If any of you actually looked at an AEP bill, you would know that part of what you are paying for is transmission of service, and not just the electric itself. So he still is being charged for the time without electric. It sucks, but you are captive. AEP doesn't give a shit if you are a happy or unhappy customer. Solution is to buy a generator.
  19. "RF capable universal remote" And that thing is 6 years old, so you can find newer ones Next. I have the Philips Pronto, which does everything that 1000 would do minus RF, but I never use it because it sucks constantly looking at the remote to do anything...and it has about the same number of hard buttons as the 1000/1100, but they just aren't enough. "this" being a non-RF remote = fully useless to me. I'll look more into this...might be a good alternative. I also spoke to a buddy about the IR extender boxes - anyone have any experience with those?
  20. Carharts seem to run short - I have to go huge to get something long enough (I'm 6'3" with long as arms though).
  21. I'm all about starting threads today - but here is another. I've got gift cards to burn, so what GT5 wheel should I get? The Logitech Driving Force GT looks right up what I would want for features/price (G27 looks awesome, but the price is a bit steep). Anything else I should consider, and if so, why? I Googled some reviews, but didn't find any good comparison reviews, just feature comparisons.
  22. How do you stand to watch such a tiny TV? You do know it isn't that expensive to upgrade, right (especially used). The only TV in my home that is hooked up smaller than that is the 24" LCD I bought for my wife this X-mas for the kitchen - and it is only that small because anything bigger wouldn't fit where she likes having the TV. You don't know what you are missing until you go full HD. I hate watching non-HD content. Hell, I get pissed about the overcompression of some of Time Warner's HD content.
  23. I have a pile of remotes, which would be nice to condense into one remote. I even have a Philips Pronto I bought 10 years ago that still works great, but I've discovered full touch screen remotes just kind of suck. My bigger reason I need one is that I have ran HDMI cables from our main setup to our bedroom TV, and want to contol our DVR from there (PS3 has a Bluetooth remote, so no problem using that in there). But these RF remotes seem really expensive. Logitech Harmony is the popular choice, and the ones I have played with in the past are nice, but to get one for RF, you have to buy a 900, 1000, or 1100 (1000 and 1100 being the full touch screens and pricey - no thanks). The 900 is about $230, plus another $60 for the PS3 adapter if I chose to use that. The older 890 is RF as well, but costs about the same as a 900. What are my other options out there? Anything a LOT cheaper? The Acoustic Research Xsight is a good $50+ less than the 900, but is it any good?
  24. Into the wheel well. I had to buy sail panels for a speaker-equipped sail panel car, as it goes right through where the speaker holes are located, and looks a lot better than hacking up panels from a non-speaker car. Hint - put the bars through the sail panel BEFORE you attach them, otherwise you will either have to pull the bars or cut the panel.
  25. That's probably true - except it isn't on jack stands right now. I do need to work on her, just have other priorities. It's okay, it was faster than Jones ever owned prior to me taking her apart.
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