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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. Nitrousbird


    LOL, this douche thinks he is E-raping me. Yes tard, you are giving it to me good. I shall go back and cower in the corner, and sit in fear of your next insult.
  2. Nitrousbird


    So you are a drive through bank teller? I can't imagine anyone would trust you to handle that kind of math. I will continue to call it racquet ball. Football and basketball are sports; racquet ball is an activity. Good exercise I'm sure, and probably challenging to master. Like anyone is ever going to want your autograph for being the best racquet ball player in the nation. No one cares. And if you can milk free shit for doing it, more power to you. The real question is how does being a racquet ball player make you smarter? Well, free college classes can help. But instead of taking classes you obviously need, you find it better to take Golf or other shit that won't help you in the future. Brilliant. LOL, then you bring in Jones and Anthony - two people I haven't seen in a couple of years. There are other members here I have hung out with recently, but it isn't them. But I forgot, if I don't hang out with CR members in a parking lot, I must never leave the house and do anything.
  3. You missed the part where you can't even haggle with them. The price is the price, lol. That place truely is the Walmart of cars, but without the prices of Walmart.
  4. Nitrousbird


    Funny, I have (and have had) all the parts to put my car together for some time. I have other priorities, and will one day get to it. I am in no rush. But nice try. And FYI, I'm not doing some lame ass build like you did to yours, so the shit isn't cheap.
  5. Nitrousbird


    LOL, you’re some dumb kid that doesn't know shit, acts like he is someone (trust me, NO ONE gives two fucks about racquet ball), and is always trying to impress everyone with how cool you are. You have never met me and have zero clue how I am in person. Not that I have any interest in meeting you. I am not trying to be funny when I call you dumb – I am very sure you are a fucking idiot.
  6. Nitrousbird


    Banks need their carpets swept and toilets scrubbed as well, I'm sure.
  7. Nitrousbird


    Yes, I’ve always wanted to be a half illiterate idiot.
  8. No, Carmax is just way overpriced.
  9. Yawn...worthless info. Says both my wife and I are single. Doesn't know our ages. Has our home values below what the auditor says and Zillow says, which both are less than what we could easily sell it for (Zillow says our neighbor's house is 25k less than what it recently sold for, and it was only on the market for a couple of days). Doesn't know our age, hobbies or any other info either. Couldn't find any of my brothers, and the info for my Dad was his general age, a low number on his house, and his hobbies are travel and cooking - he never cooks and doesn't travel that much. For my mom, it knew her general age. Has her house over estimated by a lot. My wife is listed a 2nd time at the condo she hasn't had in a while - with an accurate value, and a phone number from god knows where. Overall, that isn't an overly useful site.
  10. Nitrousbird


    I use my phone to post on here as well, but oddly enough it doesn't look like the consistent crap you type in EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOUR POSTS. It's not your phone, it is the user behind it. Take some writing classes; this is for your benefit and for the benefit of those around you. If your résumé looks anything like what you post on here...I feel sorry for you.
  11. LOL - you want turns: - The Turbo S (not just the regular Turbo) couldn't even outrun the Z06 around Laguna Seca: http://www.roadandtrack.com/tests/car/2011-porsche-911-turbo-s-to-the-power-of-12 - Here is a Turbo running slower lap times than a ZR1 on SMMR: http://www.roadandtrack.com/tests/comparison/culture-clash All from your beloved Road and Track.
  12. Seriously, are you fucking retarded? - Of course the 0-60 (lame magazine BS) is similar, AWD vs. RWD. There is a shocker. - 11.3 vs a 12 second quarter mile is a HUGE difference (and ZR1's have been high 10's bone stock...but I will use your numbers). - 11 MPH trap speed difference is a crazy big difference. - At those speeds, 10MPH top speed is a large difference We will go over exactly, what I posted - again: - That much power - R8 is not even close - Moves out that well - obviously not, doesn't accelerate nearly as quickly nor does it top out as fast - Handles as well? ZR1 outran the R8 V10 on the Top Gear test track by over a second. Braking, using your quoted number, is 151ft for the R8 vs C&D saying 142ft. Hmm, missed again. - R8 can be daily driven, I'll give you that. Has a much nicer interior too (at a large price premium, and doesn't perform as well - obviously). Your own numbers prove you wrong, lol.
  13. R8 V10: 525HP/395lb-ft tq at 3500+ lbs. ZR1: 638HP/604lb-ft tq at 3340 lbs. Not even close.
  14. LOL, pulling it out alone would probably stop the whole situation - shooting one person would send the rest off running. You think 20 people are just going to stand there waiting for their chance to be shot?
  15. Nitrousbird


    Maybe you should have taken some free English and writing classes. You do need those badly.
  16. PLEASE name a car at that price...hell, make it under 200k, that makes that much power, moves out that fast, handles that well, and can still be spring/summer/fall daily driven. I'm waiting.
  17. I have a Dell 600m laptop for sale. Currently has Windows 7 and Office 2010 on it, but I can downgrade it to XP if you need it to be. It is excellent condition with good battery life. PM me if interested. Has a serial port as well.
  18. Had you had the good habit of wiping down the oil filter seating surface prior to putting the new filter on, you would have never had this issue. Always wipe down that area. Of course you should always take a look at the old oil filter as well prior to ditching it. Lesson learned, and I bet you'll never make that mistake again!
  19. My card just arrived and is working well. Just to test it out, started playing a bit of Crysis. 1680x1050, 16x antialiasing, all settings set to high, and it seems to be running very smooth. Bumped it up to Very High for everything...then we got some stuttering. I didn't mess with settings/checking frame rates beyond that, but obviously this card isn't going to run Crysis maxed out (not that I expected it to). Also won a second card on E-bay to replace my other 7600GT - a GT 240 I got for $43 shipped. It is the top-end GT 240 model with the GDDR5 memory. Should work fine, and not consume much more power than the 7600 it replaces, which is a plus since I am really pushing my PSU to its limit (580 watt pushing these two video cards, overclocked i7, Blu-ray burner and 2 DVD burners, 6 hard driver, PCI 1x card, and a few other small goodies). Hopefully it can handle it - so far, so good.
  20. Hope so...that's a lot newer and more expensive of a car (original MSRP vs MSRP, even with inflation). That STI makes less power with worse fuel mileage too if you want to point some other important factors out. I will agree the interior looks better, and looks better than past WRX models. Does it look like the interior of a 38k+ car? I don't personally think so, but it liveable for the price where that would be harder to say for the previous models.
  21. I never got why some military folks brag about their free health care. It might be free but if it barely works then it doesn't matter much.
  22. Don't be a sissy, it's too early for bed.
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