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Everything posted by dragknee66

  1. They are making aim even gayer now. Now I remember why I use trillian. The new AIM takes up 25mb ram and has this dumb built in AOL web browser. Agh. The interface is kinda cool though Ill give them that much.
  2. Yup terminal services with remote desktop. Me and my old roomate did this all the time. I believe we had a web address of skyserv.homeip.net or something like that. We could hit that and get to our desktops from anywhere. Was great for browsing the web at work and not having to worry about being monitored
  3. Cheers and chuckers you mother f*ckers hah Gobble gobble damnit! Im chillin in Chicago rite now
  4. oh shit... Ill hear about this one monday. Hope he'll be ok. Police motorcycling is dangerous, I sometimes wonder why they keep it around still
  5. Yup age of consent is 18 in florida... sucks to be him hah
  6. NONSENSE... 600s are too slow for newbies
  7. Ide let her perform oral sex on me any day. And Ide bang her while my cousin drove us around too. That lucky 14yr old lol
  8. ick. fresh format when changing machine specs.
  9. Darwin wins Shameful to see another rider die, but sometimes its to be expected from certain individuals.
  10. Because of business conflicts.. and having coworkers find out your dating within the company. It usually always ends in disaster. Luckily this girl works in the building a couple blocks down, so I dont interact with her nearly at all. Thats about the only reason I even kept talking to her after finding out she was hoooo0000ttt.
  11. hah all of you haters.. dont be jealous because she names her kids after hot porn stars http://forums.offtopic.com/images/smilies/kekekegay.gif
  12. So I met this girl rite, shes awesome... she works at my company, but in another building (so it makes it ok to talk to her "at work" hah)... Of course I manage to meet another girl that has a kid (which is ok really)... Her daughters name is.... Teegan http://forums.offtopic.com/images/smilies/kekekegay.gif When I asked what her name was and was told, I chuckeled and she kinda wondered why
  13. I will look for you tomorrow
  14. ya people are bitches... CR is a cool board because there are lots of people here from columbus, with lots of views, and lots of different cars... Long live CR!
  15. Im looking for a good deal on the i730. Seeing that its very expensive, PM me some details. Ide like the 1xxx min plan with unlim data service. Let me know what you can come up with.
  16. neither can anyone in the entire united states
  17. Im glad that some of you can understand my frustrations. I cant wait to get to work monday and have to deal with more horrible speaking humans. *sigh*
  18. Im going to do some engine work on the R1... WHATS UP
  19. Amazing isnt it!! Maybe I should buy one!!!!
  20. **THIS IS NOT A POST FOR MAKING FUN OF ANY PEOPLE, SEX OR RACE** I have a real hard time understanding people from certain descents. Im trying to understand how a person can live within the United States and not be able to pronounce the English language with any accuracy. There are people that have lived here nearly their entire lives and still cannot pronounce English words with ANY accuracy what so ever. Is it a lack of will power? Are people too lazy? Do people even care? I think its a combination of the 3. Ive got quite a few good friends that came to the US from other countries, and can speak English so well that you’d never know they werent born and raised here. I think if people tried to understand the English language and attempted to annunciate their words, maybe other Americans wouldnt be so harsh on them? Its so hard to support people and communicate when their English is so choppy. Does anyone else understand my frustrations?
  21. http://cgi.ebay.com/Yamaha-YZF-R1-R6-Performance-Chip-97-98-99-00-01-02-03_W0QQitemZ5831489124QQcategoryZ1498QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem wow wtf ever
  22. I got a call today asking if I still had the car... yup I still have it at the moment.
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