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Everything posted by dragknee66

  1. ya i did the same.. and got pissed off more and more each time! Then removed the flash thing and im cool now.. i dont even see that ad anymore.
  2. HOLY F*CK DUDE thats pissing you off too!! I UNINSTALLED my f*CKINNGGG flash just because of it, hasnt popped up since. Ya I was about to throw my monitor through the window here at work. F*CK YOU AIM!!!! Ya.. im upset. edit: remove flash object from downloaded program files folder with the E on it.
  3. Fan speed low or HIGH. On high for gaming or overclocking.
  4. $400 ill sell you... 2.8ghz dell 52x cd burner 512mb ram 20gig HD ATI 9800XT 128mb just a thought smile.gif
  5. this is true. Although it only makes a few FPS difference on the same quality settings
  6. Still go for $230-$250 bucks 128meg card 9800pro w/ R360 core.. which is the 9800XT core. Card was flashed to the XT bios which makes this a fully function 9800XT with XT core voltage, core speed and ram speed. The benchmarks run on my machine were actually better than those taken from Tomshardware.com on their AGP charts 3Dmark2003 score. And mine was 400mhz slower with much less ram. This card is bad ass. I beat HL2 with it though, and thats the only reason I really picked it up in the first place $175 no less. First come first serve, I had quite a few PMs/IMs asking if I was selling this. This thing is an overclockers dream. This is the best AIR cooling setup you can get. http://www.jlipp.com/temp/vidcard1.jpg http://www.jlipp.com/temp/vidcard2.jpg http://www.jlipp.com/temp/vidcard3.jpg
  7. wow really. give it up kiddo
  8. lets not get all pissy tongue.gif its football.. who the hell cares.. its not a life altering situation. I think 70% of the fans on either side dont give a crap about the game at all, they'de rather get wasted, act like retards, burn cars, get in fights and be arrested. I read so many dumb ass away messages today, and like always... people waking up at 6am to get hammered, and stumble to campus and probably not rememeber the game anyways.. "If you aren't down on campus partying it up and getting drunk you are WRONG... " "who got the partying started at 6am!? tailgating by riverwatch FRONT ROW BABY..kegs and eggs.." "waking up at 5:30 by ***** cookin us breakfast, and then partyin our asses off all day!!!! " All messages from some people I know... I notice, not one of them has anything to do with a "football game", but rather, an afterparty. Maybe Im just too old at 21. Ide rather sit at home and watch the game rather than head to campus and deal with a bunch of drunken asses. Not to mention worry about my car getting smashed or tampered with if the home team lost. Needless to say.. I'll be one of the prick cops arresting the drunken irresponsible people in the future.
  9. I beat it a couple hours ago, WOW, I cant give away the ending either.
  10. I bumped into M Black at lunch today and he told me. All of those winter days in the garage, loosing brain cells to kerosene fumes, countless cans of brake cleaner and trips to lowes.. and $$BOOM$$. Stupid cars. Shitty.
  11. 6600 would be worth it to those with a PCI Express slot sure. I dont know if the AGP version has been released yet or not. After reading a little more.. it seems like some people may have one, but doesnt seem they have many out. Confusing. Im going to be selling in a month or so yes. [ 17. November 2004, 03:08 PM: Message edited by: DragKnee66 ]
  12. woa hah. Ide hit it even if she didnt have a whole FOOT!
  13. Ya ide say im about 7hrs into it or so. It gets confusing and harder.
  14. Ive added bunches more screen shots as well. Im addicted.. I took off work thursday to play all day heh
  15. Ill just keep playing my roomates key till i can
  16. The characters really look like that in the game too, its quite amazing. T-minus 21mins till I go home lol
  17. Oh heres a lovely pic of the box! (I was using my roomates pre-order key to play this morning ) http://www.jlipp.com/temp/HL2.jpg
  18. Wont run with that card... technology too old unfortionately Im leaving in a little over an hour to go home and play.. I will post some screen shots before I get too into the game Must... go...home..and play...
  19. I COULDNT agree more. HL2 engine is by far more exciting. Doom3 was popular at the time, HL2 will be the new hotness now, and more so in the future. I think it was a good thing HL2 was released after Doom. After people see HL2, I dont think Doom will sell nearly as much to new players.
  20. X800 on top of this one... http://www.jlipp.com/temp/farcry.gif Both good cards..
  21. Yup, you should all go buy it Its well worth it
  22. Another +1 on 3s side.. at least the 3s will sell for TRIPLE what a DSM sells for. I could sell my 91 for the same price you could buy a 97 GSX or GST for (7-8k). Just the other day I saw a 93 vr4 sitting on a lot for 13k. Some one will buy it. Gotta love the resale at least.
  23. 6fps isnt much from ATI to GF Different benches show the X800 on top, other ones show the GF on top... X800 pulls a little ahead on quality with AF and AA. I'll still be getting the GF6800GT myself in a bit. I only got the 9800xt because I paid $150 bucks for it with an ICEQ fan setup Greg you should pull decent frames with an 800x600 res at medium qualities.
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