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Everything posted by dragknee66

  1. Shhh.. its sleeeeping http://www.jlipp.com/temp/bikewinter2.JPG Woken from nap... http://www.jlipp.com/temp/bikewinter.JPG [ 02. January 2005, 06:50 PM: Message edited by: Formulate ]
  2. MotoGP style!! Rims used by the pros Click that link...
  3. hah it would be!! Even more so when I get my $2500 light weight wheels in a month Wheels... """Static Weight: Each ounce of reduction of the wheels weight is equivalent to 4 ounces on the sprung part of the bike. Magnesium wheels will normally weigh at least 10 pounds less than your stock aluminum wheels. This is equal to 40 pounds of weight reduction on the bike. Dynamic Weight: This is the weight reduction on the rim of the wheel and this is where the action is. EACH OUNCE OF WEIGHT REDUCTION ON THE RIM IS EQUAL TO ABOUT 24 POUNDS OF WEIGHT AT 100 MPH!"""
  4. well.. my stealth is in the garage and I need all the room I can get for the motor swapage... And I will take a pic of my bike in the room and post it in a minute
  5. might have been one of them there grove city mustang owners they like to rev at bikes too!
  6. Doesnt it f'n figure.. the days its freakin 60 degrees outside, IT G*D DAMN RAINS!! Hasnt rained up here for a while, I dig my bike out of the living room... STARTS RAINING Of course the radar maps show NO RAIN over columbus, but I mean, why in the hell would the radar maps OR the damned weather people EEVVEERR be rite graemlins/jerkit.gif
  7. Yes that International place seems to have a nice selection. If all else fails.. Try Iron Pony.. some of the bike stores in cleveland carry plugs for cars actually, might be worth a try.
  8. I counted 20 cars in the ditch or on the side of the road on my way home from cleveland yesterday. Thurs when I went home, there were probably 30-40. If people wouldnt F*CKING TAILGATE, NO ACCIDENTS WOULD HAPPEN. Only when you ride some ones ass and need to stop fast will you go flying off the road... I saw numerous SUVs on their sides and roof tops, owners must think theyre 20ton tanks or something?
  9. hah those graphics are bad ass tongue.gif
  10. maybe its just my laptop here, but is that a crappy video? Those were just some sweeper turns takin by some newbs on bikes tongue.gif
  11. hah ya Although rite now im 100% wireless.. laptop and a sprint data cable + cell phone. Woot. I know that the deleware area was without power for some time.. that may still be out
  12. My altima is poopy in the snow actually.. wtf mate. Itll be stealth and snow tires here in a week or so.
  13. dragknee66

    2003 mach 1

    good luck, dont get an ego like those Grove City mustang boys tho
  14. HAH.. i would have just laughed in their faces
  15. ya ill take back my previous statement now.. looks like we MIGHT ACTUALLY get snow in columbus. Amazing
  16. poor columbus kids never get a snowy white xmas But the cleveland kids do! http://www.weather.com/weather/local/44133?lswe=44133&lwsa=WeatherLocalUndeclared Ill be back home for the few days I do have off.
  17. need BC for stealth... only a temporary thing, doesnt have to be fancy..
  18. need BC for stealth... only a temporary thing, doesnt have to be fancy..
  19. well you can probably buy a couple nice sets and that card = owned
  21. yes... that will require a Geforce 9999Ultra lol
  22. Ive been wondering for the longest time when they would make cards like that. Its about time.
  23. luckily I havent had to deal with laptop breakage issues.. only people spilling coffee on keyboards and not telling, so when I replace them.. I wear the coffee the remainder of the day... fookers.
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