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Posts posted by dragknee66

  1. You need to try harder or fix some settings.


    I'm air cooled and did very little tweaking to hit 4.2 on my 920, and I abuse my CPU for long periods of time, with temps in the high 70's consistently at full load. If the room is hot, I'll touch very low 80's for a few seconds on one or two cores.



    I just tried a bit and still didnt have much luck. I do have a C0 chip, Im sure some of you guys have the D0 chip. I literally bought my chip the first week the i7 was out hah. I might just pick up a 930 chip and see what that gets me. In all reality though even at 4ghz thats pretty damn fast and overkill anyway ha

  2. While your dinosaur of a machine chugs along my i7 920 at 4.7ghz with hyperthreading on laughs at you. Any kind of video card thats a NEWER style WILL require a 550w and/or SLI cert'd PSU. Just becuz your DINO runs with the 500w psu from the 1980's doesn't mean new tech will.


    Edit: ATI sux, tru story.


    i7 920 @ 4.7?? What the hell is YOUR trick???

  3. If youre getting a brand new one.. X for sure. If you REALLY need the keyboard then the D2 of course. The ONLY reason Im still on my Droid 1 is because of the custom roms.

    Whenever they release a new android based vzw phone with a screen like the iPhone4 Im going to pick it up though.

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