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Posts posted by dragknee66

  1. I have 2 of these and only need 1... G27 about 1,000 rounds through it.. perfect shape nice and clean. Ill even throw in 50 rounds to get you started.. Will require your ID upon purchase of course.


    If you have to ask more questions you dont need to buy it :D


    $420. Firm. I bet its gone in a day at that price hah.



  2. No problems he is a good guy and bought five of them with a bonus he got. He gave one out to his best friend for his birthday. And another to his mom just because. He was planning on giving these away at christmas time but needs cash now to fix his car. He used to work for apple and now still does some stuff higher up I dont really know what so they are all good and ok.


    Just looking out for YOUR own good :)

    Believe it or not theres a few departments these days really interested in tracking these simple goods found on the web. I set up a little buy bust action not long enough with an item off Craigslist.

  3. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs367.snc4/45019_1461786516135_1577631982_1073554_7942245_n.jpg


    Kimber 45 2009 manaf.

    Less than 100 rounds through it

    Selling for a good friend of mine hes looking for spare cash for a big new toy.


    Asking $1,000 pm me or email

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