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Posts posted by dragknee66

  1. Its been about 8 years since Ive had snowboard stuff so Im quite out of the loop.


    I dont want cheap stuff and I dont need pro stuff..

    What should I expect to pay for decent items of the following


    Board (probably just a freestyle board)

    Bindings (strap ins)


    Goggles (Ill probably just get Oakleys hah)





    I need the whole setup again, average price ranges please

  2. Hotcarls says it best.

    F her. Move along and think nothing of it. Youll find that the older you get, the shadier some woman (and men for the ladies) get as well. If youre the BETTER of the two people youll break contact and just man up and move along. Put the feeling to the side and be the adult about things and ignore her. I think weve all had those types of relationships for sure. Just dont do anything stupid like show up at her work and cause a scene, or drop by thinking he'll be there. The last thing you want to do is put him OR her in the position of having to defend themselves.

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