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Everything posted by dragknee66

  1. To add again... You would be shocked to hear some of the crap that people come up with as an excuse to why they did 'x' violation. However in this case when nurses and such come out and claim this is a REAL situation.. THEN.. the officer should have just let them go for damn sure. THIS is how it SHOULD have gone down.
  2. 2 kids and a boxers woo you have your hands full!
  3. lol @ thread. I know Putty would ever be in any sort of trouble like this.
  4. If I was at home more I would have one in a heartbeat. In my experiences Ive never heard one bark much as a puppy. They listen very well too. Brian you might as well go ahead and do it, at least least the kids will be entertained!
  5. I would bet this stuff happens a lot and were just hearing about it because its some NFL dude. If it was anyone else it would have probably been swept under a rug. Im actually get tired of of these "famous" people getting special treatment, its all BS.
  6. Ya he could have handled it a little differently for sure. The race card thing though, is getting f*cking old for real. Give it up already.
  7. buddy might be interested in that bike.. i just sent him a txt
  8. Thanks broski, I dont feel half as bad now Thats pretty shitty dude
  9. I just found a few nice places in grove tucky I might be interested in. I need to find a steal of a forclosure or something. Anyone know where I can begin to look??
  10. So this year again I owed in taxes. A nice little chunk as usual. I assuming my problem is.. I have no deductions.. like nothing seriously. Is it time for me to buy a house or something? Anyblody else get screwed too?
  11. They are def more of the 21-23yr old crowd for sure. Since he has a gf at least he wont have to worry about the dumb money hungry fake chicks there too.
  12. Sugar and Spice both blow ass. BOMA has its moments.. I always like good ole Mynt
  13. How many Liters is that Saturn 4 anyway?
  14. 1000cc injectors holy moses batman
  15. This thread makes me want to buy a house still.
  16. I really dont even know what its all about other than the videos Ive seen and what not. I cant wait to go really.
  17. So your a desktop support person that will have access to every admin user ID and password for your company? Sounds like a job for a high level network admin to me and much less for you to worry about
  18. I was just about to say the same thing. Took them this long to get something ive had for ages
  19. This day is shitty, I cant even believe this.
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