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Everything posted by Doug1647545489

  1. I didn't know welded doors was required to race high 13 second cars. :0
  2. wierd we payed about the same for our cars. Kinda funny that a rusted out toyota has the same market value as a nice el camino . graemlins/wtf.gif we gonna race this Fri? wouldn't mind racing a S4 either pending rain of course
  3. http://flathat.woodstream.net/ColumbusRacing/Dougs%20pics/trashed%20turbo.jpg that plus 3-4psi is the reason. I heard you once lost to a 2.2L cavelier with a 50 shot These guys hear might be outta your driving skill league. tongue.gif
  4. bwhahaaha most of the kids were the biggest losers at coffman... basically " I wreck my old car and look what mommy bought me this time" [ 17. August 2004, 08:52 PM: Message edited by: Doug ]
  5. you think you know but you have no idea
  6. nope that came after. The problem with being a "automotive enthusiast club" is there are fifty million of them out there. Columbus Racing used to be unique. Now most of the topics are the same ones you see at all the other big forums. RC is what CR used to be.
  7. face it, you ruined cr.
  8. Just go get the stage one. She'll never know its there unless you tell her.
  9. that sucks for people who bought it this year
  10. If I get a bike after school it will be a 600. A litre bike is just too big for me physically
  11. I know what happen to alex and I know that its not cool to make fun of shit like that
  12. Why wouldn't you drive it here. The only time your can really drive a supra is in the summer.??
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