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Everything posted by Moostang

  1. Moostang

    fs knifes

    I found these I brought in Thailand back in 04. First I have 5 throwing cards that are sharp on all edges. they are the 10, J, Q, K, and Ace of spades. Im looking to get around 15 obo for those total. Will have pics up around 11pm when i get off work.
  2. so im guessing checking in to your hotel is part of the rally time?
  3. Moostang

    iTunes Help

    why is this in the passing lane?
  4. its odd to me to see a great intro on here but welcome. i have always liked mach 1's. + rep
  5. if i can get someone to ride with im down ill know tomorrow
  6. http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/1800850276.html and of course the bad spelling of the ad messed up my spelling of the thread title
  7. will be at work till 9 otherwise i would come
  8. not trying to be a dick but i think you need a price.
  9. found this on one of my friends fb pages...http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs331.ash1/28710_130201977006779_100000509325823_267924_4277177_n.jpg
  10. i think the most close race was me and alex[in pauls v6 mustang] alex beat me by .093 sec
  11. ran a very sad 18.9 in the talon went home and brought back the Volvo s60 2.5t and ran a best 15.5 oh yea and i beat paul's stang
  12. Couldnt get the lady friend to go out so im at crown w/ paul
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