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Everything posted by Buck531

  1. Start smoking. Then you'll never know the difference. .
  2. What I found odd that most of them were asian .. and the one guy kept on calling the victim "a ni***** .. Asian kid calling another asian kid a ni**** ? Good job parents.
  3. Buck531

    xbox 360

  4. Yep.saw it last year on netflix. Good flick. Speaking of Netflix.. anyone have any decent movies that are on there or can recommend? The ones I've seen are crap. I watched "the next three days" tonight with Russell Crowe and it was not bad. Very slow at the beginning but picked up.
  5. I always used this: http://people.yahoo.com/
  6. If you folks watched "Hell on Wheels", they had a sneak peek at the new episode in February. The old man and the sheriff guy (sorry can't remember names) were drinking in the bar and the door opens and Otis (the fat guy?) and I think it's Merle standing in the door way..smiling.. and they don't look like zombies. Interesting.
  7. This isn't a rant post or anything. Just kind of a gathering of thoughts of what everyone has going on in their life right now. Health/sickness/whatever. So what do you have going on in your life now? Here's what I have. My son is 10 years old (one of them.. my other son is 18 and doing ok) has Autism. He broke his shin on October 30th and was in a full cast for 4 weeks and a half cast (walking cast) for 5 weeks after that. (he's out of the cast now and slowing working the "limp" back to a normal walk") My father is 75 and has Parkinsons. His motor skills are shot to sh*t and my mom is calling 911 a few times a month because he fell and can't get up. My grandmother is 90 and was in the hospital for a good 3 months this year due to a compression fracture in her back. They did some surgery and she's doing ok for now. My mother had breast cancer a few years ago (she's now 70) and had chemo and radiation and that cleared it up and now she seems to be fine (not really.. she has to take are of my Dad who has parkinsons http://mymonte.com/discussion/public/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif). My mother in-law has been in remission for colon cancer for several years now but there's still that risk. 3 years ago in March my father-in law died (a young 65? if that) due to COPD and other stuff. Just found out today my 70 year old Mother needs to have knee surgery for f'd up cartilage in her right knee. She'll be out for a week pretty much (on a cane) and two after that slowly moving back to normal. I'll probably take a week of vacation in February to help them around the house, cook and do normal shit my mom normally does with my Dad to help out. This isn't a bitch fest of family problems. Just something to vent to see what's going on in your lives. Please keep the trolling to a minimum.
  8. http://cdn-www.i-am-bored.com/media/30thingspron.jpg
  9. Not sure if it's been posted here before or not. :fuckyeah:
  10. Yep. He'll be VP and go and fuck something up and WW has to fix it or come up with some better solution like running down Obama with his Aztek to save the country from WW3.
  11. http://www.howaboutwe.com/date-report/2266-penis-tattoo-leads-to-permanent-erection# :lolguy:
  12. Buck531

    Sad day for BBQ

    Every time my wife and I ate there we felt like shit afterwards and tore our stomach up. And this was the Gahanna location. Oh well.
  13. truth? got any evidence to support that?
  14. Been there done that the past few weeks. Nothing happening. Now my cat is in my face whining at me to go to bed. ugh.
  15. Yeah she's playing like one string.. the middle.. B I think and everyone else has their own strings or hitting the body. It's very strange though.
  16. Congrats on your parents buying you a BMW.
  17. Hmm.. any way to get a pic and possibly with a penny in it? They're for my sons car as his are dry rotted and shot. How soon are you thinking? weeks? months?
  18. What still bothers me is that a 12-4 team went with an 8-8 team. I know how it works.. it just doesn't make sense. It is what it is (or was). I'll still be a Steeler fan next year, the year after that and so on. Not everyone can win every time.. unless you're Charlie Sheen?
  19. http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/387603_278969078827656_100001436975405_750929_238404534_n.jpg
  20. http://i.imgur.com/m2USD.jpg http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o65/SweatySack/gkvQh.gif
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