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Everything posted by Buck531

  1. Yeah he's trying to find one of those cheap for like $50-70.
  2. Just found out he already has a torpedo heater and he hates it as it stinks up the whole garage pretty bad.. and his is propane too.
  3. http://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=109333
  4. Posting for a friend. Wondering if anyone has a propane shop heater or what not they'd be willing to get rid of. Don't have any other specifics other than it needs to be propane.
  5. One of my favorite cars growing up.. except it was black with the eagle on the hood (smokey and the bandit). Nice find though. The color sucks. I've always wanted a late 70's muscle car (if you can call them that now).
  6. I thought I was playing Assassins Creed for a minute. Hot damn.. and FUCK THAT.
  7. http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/428993_2893366366376_1026782021_32447536_1461355945_n.jpg
  8. Buck531

    The Blitz

    Waking up at 11 am - Noon.. FTW. :fuckyeah:Don't have to listen to talk shows. All talk shows suck ass. :lolguy: Turn on the radio and push the power button on the Sirius.. instant music. :fuckyeah: Turn on any radio station in Cbus.. commercial.... for 10 fucking minutes (or longer). :fuuuu: Yeah I pay $20 a month (for two cars.. $9.99 a month each for straight radio) but I don't get to listen to commercials every time I turn on the f'n radio. :gabe: http://www.nrdly.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/00/03/93/29/3932998/files//2011/04/haters-gonna-hate-11.jpg
  9. Buck531


    Fucking glitch mother fucker. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yIJ7mBRq-Q Did you know Farkas means "wolf" in Hungarian? http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Farkas Yep.. I'm seeing this glitch. Supposedly I attacked one of them when I went into their place and now the mother fucker is following me around everywhere. I only posted here because Farkas is on here .
  10. You and I will have a "drink-off" to decide the winner. :gabe:
  11. Eh.. to each their own.. I got a chuckle out of a few of them. The taxact one was fucking retarded.
  12. So far through half time this one had my wife and I rolling http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QV73Csoi5mQ Another good one was the S7 and vampires. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bOL4lLc3ao VW one was pretty good as well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-9EYFJ4Clo I'm sure there are haters on here. I could give two fucks less.. I thought some were good.
  13. I was referring to a future ban. :masturboy:
  14. Next up.. Phil in a french maid outfit cleaning Anthony's keyboard as he just got banned again and needs to get back on here.
  15. http://cdn-www.i-am-bored.com/media/superbowlvasectomy.jpg
  16. Buck531

    Hey Dover

    Tilley - lead singer swinging his junk Phil - black guy in video Cordell - Dude with box over his head. Anthony - fat white guy in video. Dover - Fag at the end of the video who winks.
  17. I bowl on a league on Friday nights. I have my good nights and bad. A few weeks ago I threw a 736 scratch on the league.. as seen here: http://www.palacelanes.com/pdf/leagues/522.pdf My one and only ball I use is a used Storm Shift.. I have an old ass ball.. a Zone which I hardly use. I averaged 193 at the end of the season last year. This year is a shitty 188 (or whatever the sheet above is). I've been lacking this year to back and knee injuries and not releasing the ball out correctly. By the end of the year (April or so) I plan to have my average up to a 190 or so.
  18. Jeffro.. any point in making a post to my facebook page?
  19. http://www.aaanything.net/wp-content/gallery/monday-mix-of-phun/a_real_man_loves_his_woman_everyday_of_the_month.jpg
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=WUFSHzT2xuY
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