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Everything posted by Buck531

  1. You get piles of shit in the mail?
  2. Anyone have an cheap/extra HDMI cable lying around for a cable box > TV connection? I had one but somehow it grew legs and ran away. I know I could get one cheap off of the net but I figured someone locally would have one so I don't pay for shipping and waiting. Would not rather pay anything over $10. I got mine on line from that cable site for $3.
  3. Damn.. I thought that shit was retarded back in high school in 94. Guess times didn't change.
  4. Way before some of you were even in your daddies sperm canal. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmboEjwJwFU&feature=player_embedded What is the internet? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUs7iG1mNjI There are no screens of "go to hell" :lolguy:
  5. http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/43948331/ns/today-entertainment/?gt1=43001
  6. Coming from a FWD person.. that was pretty freakin' cool.
  7. http://www.gifsoup.com/webroot/animatedgifs2/1285182_o.gif http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ljls6xUSHk1qdoq4co1_500.gif
  8. I've been in westerville longer than anyone probably in here. 1981-1999. This video makes me sick actually.
  9. Your garage pisses me off. Nice wheels though
  10. Watchoo talkin' 'bout willis? I was never thin. I popped out of my momma vag weighing 320. :fuckyeah:
  11. Don't worry, I found you on the nets too :gabe:
  12. Btw.. I spotted Phil http://davestopher.com/images/thread%20pictures/beer-looter.jpg
  13. What was your son looking up on Youtube? How to kill my daddy?
  14. I heard Maaco is pretty good. :gabe:
  15. Anyone have a used Sprint Flip phone with a decent battery? Don't want a smart phone or anything like that. It's for my son so texting and data are blocked.
  16. Buck531

    July 30th MCIR

    This. I can't remember how many runs you get to dial in.. 3? or is there a time limit? I might show up if that's the case.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-bX3h5ZIMA&feature=relmfu :lolguy::fuckyeah:
  18. oh well.. I don't click on every link in there.
  19. I've been looking at pricewatch.com. I found one for 23 and one for $55 or so. I might just bit the bullet and upgrade.. (which I really don't want to do because there is no reason to upgrade to surf the web...)
  20. Possibly NWS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySGwS-KGhQ4&feature=player_embedded
  21. Looking to see if anyone has something old lying around. I need a socket 939 for my athlon 3200 (yep.. it's old.. no i don't care). Must have 1 AGP slot on it. Nothing else really matters. My system is locking up after a fresh OS install. Just looking for something cheap to replace it.
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