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Everything posted by Buck531

  1. No nudes but I wouldn't watch this at work. http://www.collegehumor.com/video/6542559/showering-with-girls
  2. Shoulda had your partner wear a jimmy....
  3. 17, young, drive a mustang, and from Chillicothe? You need to visit this site. http://www.barney.com/usa/index.asp
  4. Buck531

    Racing video

    You talk like a white guy.
  5. I got banned on 3800pro for saying something on another forum. That was while ago though. Probably a few years.
  6. http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/267544_2142703690859_1344236300_32578926_1476050_n.jpg
  7. Little darker and hair almost matches the paint.
  8. Not bad, but I always thought this was pretty good.
  9. Rub your dick on it Paul. Then the rim would be dirtier than you. Anyways.. just wash it and throw a power ball on it with some polish.
  10. http://urlybits.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/ugly-bag.jpg
  11. If you have a problem with the owner of this site, I'm not sure the above will work..... :dumb:
  12. I called Gahanna PD today and asked them if they got the hit and run guy last night at 9:30 and they said yes they got him. I asked if he was drunk or what not but she didn't know.
  13. I'm not sure which are you're talking about or how it's set up, but when I replaced several studs in my Lumina I cut them off, bought new studs and got 3-4 thick washers, put the washers on and the lugnut over top of it and tightened down until it was flush with the hub. I'd also look around for a cordless impact if no one has a compressor. I'd love to help, but I got a 20 gallon compressor and I'd rather not move it.
  14. With your feet? Woah. This guy has more skill with his feet than half the people here on CR do with their hands AND feet. :fuckyeah:
  15. http://i53.tinypic.com/2qs0va9.jpg
  16. I was going to the carry out around 9:30 or so tonight to grab some smokes and some beer and as I'm coming home from Rosetti's in Gahanna (behind City BBQ sitting at the light to cross back over on Stylger I hear this pop/boom sound. I look over to my left and there's this newer Acura suv/cross over that was just sitting there and put it's hazard lights on. The car was sitting there at the right light going into Gahanna from 670/62.. going into Gahanna. Then as I'm driving away (our light was green), I see this car that's ALL fucked up start pulling over to the shoulder thinking to get out of traffic or what not and then they start driving away turning right onto Stylger! He wasn't limping it either. He was trying to run. The hood was all crumpled up, steam rolling out of the radiator and was pouring coolant along with a broken passenger light. Rewind to when I was going to the carry out. I saw a Gahanna cop sitting in the Speedway lot just chilling there. As I come back across 62 and turn left onto Agler to go back, he's still there. I pull in, pull up next to him and tell him there was a car that just got hit at 62/Stylger and the car that hit was running. Gave a short description of the car (looked to be a 2000ish Chrysler Sebring, black/dark color) and told him it had a broken headlight and was steaming along with coolant flowing out of the car and the hood was messed up. Almost before I got done with telling him the car he was gone and said thanks and pulled out, flipped his lights on to go try and get him. I shoulda told him to just follow the line of coolant. From the time I heard the accident to the time I told the cop wasn't even 2 minutes. The car that hit he Acura probably started taking off 30-40 seconds after hitting it. He probably didn't either A: have insurance, B: was drunk, or C: didn't have a license. I was going to just flip a U-turn to follow the guy then I looked down and didn't have my cell to call the cops any. I'm glad the Gahanna cop was still sitting there at Speedway though. Fuck hit and runs.
  17. Somehow this was on my youtube front page.
  18. At the time yes. We all lived in the same city, did things together. Now They moved on, moved to different states, have a life, etc.
  19. I never gave anything to my dudes to my wedding. Hell, I haven't really talked to them in years. :fa:
  20. http://cdn-www.i-am-bored.com/media/mythbusterspulloutcontraception_full.jpg
  21. I was helping my parents get out a root from a tree they cut down with an ax when I was 15. Twisted wrong. I couldn't move for 3 hours and I just dropped to the grass after I dropped the ax. After 3 hours we finally wrestled me to the back doc who didn't do much but a little bit later I was able to move around. Till this day I still have back problems.
  22. Has anyone been watching the series? I've been watching it since the beginning and I think it's a pretty decent show. Final episode is this Sunday. :fa:
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