Thanks Sean/Shawn/Shaun/Shawniqua (whatever how they spell your name these days lol).
I probably wasn't even speeding. The reasoning of this post is why did he flick his brights at me? I mean. If I was speeding, fine, pull me over. If I wasn't, great. I really wasn't going an abnormally fast rate of speed on Steltzer. The same speed everyone else dooes.shrug
I was wondering "else" could he pull me over for? I know the new laws kicked in about the lights being on when it's raining and using your wipers and so on.
Thanks Antwon. That cleared it up for me. Maybe I was speeding slightly. Who knows.
All I know is i'm pretty drunk and I'm drinking a beer with my two new friends. Vicodin and Vicodin. Say hi!