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Posts posted by Buck531

  1. Here's the flier for the event from the BPG site. Anthony/Tina. Will this be straight all day test and tune or will there be brackets and things like that? On their flier it says it's $60 non-member? Is that.. member of CR or BPG? I'm assuming we'd just tell them we're part of CR?



  2. I think his weight loss is great, and I wish him the best of luck in the future. I'm sorry if you took my comment that way.


    I'm not saying 1,000 calories a day isn't healthy or good for fast weight loss, I just think it will be hard to sustain that for the rest of your life, much like the Atkins diet. Unless you incorporate some heavy exercise, the weight will likely go back up once you introduce more calories. All I'm saying is that unless you stay at 1,000 calories for the rest of your life, you may have issues.


    Fuck, I wish I was a doctor. I'd make a lot more money.



    Yeah it would suck if I had to do that the rest of my life.. I'll agree with that.


    So far I've cut out beer (a LOTTT), fast foods, burgers, etc. Started eating MUCH healthier.. counting calories (amazing how many calories are in certain things that seem harmless).


    Once I get down to a certain weight I'll drop off the shakes and move up in calories a day. I think by doing what I'm doing now is going to help me in the future on not eating the garbage/fast food so I'll be ready to make any changes I want.

  3. This is the reason I'm hesitant on posting anything on this board.


    It's been cleared by my doctor.. which I'd trust way more than any of you on here. I have regular check ups with him and everything is perfectly fine. I went off my BP meds, plantar faciitis went away, and its amazing what happens when you lose 60 lbs how much more you want/can do.


    I did change my lifestyle. I don't eat much, don't work out. However I just did start walking last night about a mile a night. I also quit drinking beer which I know was a huge factor. Kinda hard to work out when you've had back issues for 25 years, foot problems, and other issues come up which prevents you from doing certain things.


    I know everyone has their own opinion on how things should be done. If you were 365 lbs like me you had to do something drastic. This was the way I saw it. If I fail at it.. that's on me. At 360 lbs I didn't want to do shit.. I still don't but I've come to realization I need to start doing something. Dropping 60 lbs has been great. I'm planning on dropping another I dunno 50 at least. let me worry about that part :).

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