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Everything posted by Buck531

  1. Just an FYI. There's a company called Four Seasons (or used to be) that went out of business. They have a TON of furniture in the store still. There's a liquidation company that is selling everything. Tomorrow is 40% off, Monday is 50%, Tuesday I think is 60% and Wednesday is %70 off everything in the store. They have everything from couches, love seats, matress/bed frames (some bunk), end tables, lamps, bars, cabinets. Just about everything a furniture store would have. I'm eye balling a certain couch I saw tonight and I'm just hoping no one buys it . The place is at the corner of Agler and Imperial drive in Gahanna. 43230. If you want to put it in GPS its in the same shopping center as the Gahanna DMV.
  2. First pass by me was my first pass I think. 13.1 @ 102 with a 1.8x 60'. Best pass was by Chavo (kyle.. who broke his shit on the first pass) with a 13.04 @ 104 with a 1.9x 60'. That was hot lapping it too. Being fat FTL. I'm happy though. It's a freakin' fwd Regal.
  3. They shut down at noon for an hour to re-prep the track and do lunch.
  4. My POS goes from 0-60 pretty good.. then falls on it's ass. :fa:
  5. First though at the beginning. "They took everything from me"... instantly I thought.. "BITCH" should come after that. It's going to be VERY hard to see him in something other than Breaking Bad.
  6. http://strengthlab.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/aaburger.jpg
  7. the bass riffs in that song are simply bad ass.
  8. You probably already switched carriers but you could call them and bitch about service and they'll send you an Air rave and hook it up to your interwebs for free. It turns your house into an mini-tower. I've had one for over a year and it's been great.
  9. This. The game would have been golden if it were just him in it.
  10. http://www.automoblog.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/1982_Dg_Aries_2dr_rt_frnt_color.jpg
  11. http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk314/buck531/cram1_zpsb3a306d4.jpg
  12. Might want to buy a cleaning disc. Or your disc is jacked up.
  13. Hope you get into a wreck and the air bag doesn't go off.
  14. I have 50k in power up rewards thanks to my son. I can get $25 off if i use 20k points. Then trade in a few games. Probably going to pick up tonight.
  15. Are you going to be able to tune your shield bro?
  16. You could always use like 1500 grit paper.
  17. Got leather? (pleather?) How did it work on that? For the dash I've been using Zaino tire dressing . Seems to be working ok for now.
  18. Pretty drunk and the LOL's just weren't there with that one.
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