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Everything posted by Buck531

  1. Romney becomes president. Gets assassinated then Ryan gets pres. win? Btw. fuck politics. they're all crooks.
  2. http://ist1-1.filesor.com/pimpandhost.com/6/6/9/3/66934/1/7/E/8/17E8n/funny-gifs-testing-the-kicks.gif
  3. I'm down for the 16th.. now I just need to hustle and get my car together.
  4. I'd much rather see a video of a 2 hour wait in the staging lanes and then a 8 second pass. :gabe:
  5. I tried simple green and my garden hose.. didn't do much. AJ you serious about the vinegar?
  6. Anyone got any tips to get the oil build up off this intercooler? I'm not separating the plates either. I tried a full can of brake cleaner. It helped but not that great. Then I ran some simple green in the fins and then some water through it. Would engine degreaser help anymore? http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk314/buck531/CAM00081.jpg
  7. Well fail. I hit Like on FB right after you posted this but didn't post in here.:fa:
  8. Owner fail.. Should have had a blast shield over the turbo.
  9. shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker and tits.
  10. Thanks for the replies. As for taking care of my mom. I do that. I call her about every night. I also invite her over here as many times as I can to make dinner and such. He's in an assisted living place off Cooper Rd in Westerville. That place is SOOO depressing. It looks like a bunch of old zombies walking around. His roomate has ulzheimers (sp). Mom has to lock up his tooth brush, razor, bath needs in a locked tool box. Random people would just walk into the room. One lady started brushing her teeth in dads bathroom last week. Just crazy things. It's VERY depressing just to even be there. I almost wish he would have had a heart attack or something that would have done him right then and there and not have to put mom and family through the months of stress and pain. But you have to deal with the cards that you have been dealt with.
  11. How long from the time they said this until the time they passed? Just curious.
  12. I always tell my wife and my son when they start bitching about stupid shit... "deal with it". true story.
  13. inb4 aliens get on the ship to come back and we all get fucked and Sigourney Weaver has to save us.
  14. As some of you know my Dad is in an assisted living community as he fell months ago and had a stroke. Parkinsons is owning him. Yesterday he told my mom "Maybe I'll be seeing Scott soon". Scott is my brother. He passed away at the age of 23 due to cancer. I was 15. What the hell do you tell your mom? There just aren't any words. :fuuuu:
  15. http://autos.yahoo.com/news/the-rise-of-the-fake-engine-roar.html :dumb:
  16. Thanks but I really just want one 10" sub. It's for my sons car (he doesn't need it but i'll let him have it).
  17. http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c192/BertoBizkit/Fred%20Miranda%20Forum%20Entries/Berto%20Photography/Misc%20Car%20Photography/072812_4183.jpg Perfect example of why rich people shouldn't own expensive cars. Don't wash it or months on end have nice dirty rims from brake dust, show up to a meet with a pile of shit. :dumb:
  18. http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/20222801.jpg
  19. Since no one has said it.. why are you (the OP) getting a divorce in the first place? Who cheated?
  20. http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/376216_389417027787136_1378063734_n.jpg
  21. Anyone have a single 10" sub with a box and amp? Or any pieces separate? Just as long as it's not blown and in good working order. Let me know if you have anything like that.
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