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Everything posted by TurboTank

  1. TurboTank


    ive been folowing this for about 3 years now and has really gotten nuts..good stuf for sure
  2. get a large box. set a few trash bags in the box put about 2 gallons of aircraft srtipper in the box and lay the wheel face down in it for a few min and let it tear it up
  3. ips can work something out for sure
  4. sure u have the purge on the right side of the sillinoid? if its a big nx kit then the outlet is on the bottom
  5. they proably think its some kinda new radio shit. useless with out the harness..lol
  6. thanks for looking out. the manis are at the shop if anyone wants to check em out
  7. shit we hit the bus once stripped off all 3 blades there was only a tube left. sucked
  8. brand new never used once. got them from the source before they went under years ago. they have a little surface rust from sitting around. comes with both mainifolds and both down pipes. uses an t25 inlet with gt 5 bolt outlets. will work nice with twin gt28rs(disco potato) turbo making around 550 wheel all day long. 550.00 http://ipsmotorsports.net/pictures/Tank/forsale/ford%20manifolds2.JPG http://ipsmotorsports.net/pictures/Tank/forsale/ford%20manifolds.JPG
  9. spin the bearings and install
  10. o snap..here is a gm painted hemi orange. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.fbodydomain.com/Camaro/88ZCuda/88ZCuda3.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.fbodydomain.com/Camaro/88ZCuda/Index.asp&h=187&w=250&sz=14&hl=en&start=20&tbnid=2TcoVNlD1aP-gM:&tbnh=79&tbnw=106&prev=/images%3Fq%3DHemi%2BOrange%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN
  11. TurboTank

    Saturday 17th

    the teg didnt honk when we raced. he just left but i belive he would have still won by 3-4 cars atleast. kinda suck racing around in my beater.
  12. looks good i need to take some pics on the stuff i make
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