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Everything posted by Mallard

  1. http://www.roadandtrack.com/car-culture/a26859/bob-lutz-tesla/
  2. I had always assumed he started the shop as a way to try and write off modifying his own cars as a business expense.
  3. I like it, but I hope it can put up some good numbers.
  4. If my car is driving itself the last thing I want to do is look at other people and hold a conversation.
  5. Then why don't they disable the system via GPS? I had seen this video and there are plenty of others with people off-highway with their hands completely off the wheel the entire time. Even the Tesla press event was in NYC, not on highway (Jalopnik video). This is just my point above that people will and are abusing the hell out of the system, which will lead to an accident.
  6. Because there's no guarantee Elon's statement will hold up in court and many have said that the open patents were nothing special.
  7. Tesla Autopilot is not anything like a Google car. The Model S only has a single forward camera and a single forward radar, the same as many cars with only ACC. The Google cars have far more sensing and logic. You can still have a decent feature with what Tesla is doing, but having no method of hands on wheel detection is a bit wreckless. People will (and already are based on every fucking video) abusing the hell out of the system. There will be an accident eventually.
  8. Uber has their own technology center and a partnership with CMU for developing autonomous drive technology. They are not working with Tesla but I believe Elon made previous statements about having their own car share program. Been a while since he said that, but other OEM's are doing the same. Mercedes has had a Freightliner (not EV) that can drive autonomously on the highway for months now. They had a big press event when it got its Nevada license plate. The XC90 has Traffic Jam Pilot. In concept it works really well, until you actually try to use it. Nice SUV though.
  9. Chrysler paid all the money back ahead of schedule. And even though Elon says they are wide open, legally no one will touch them with a 10 foot pole.
  10. And, if you spec a car through to 1 of 1 program, no one else can build the same combo during that model year.
  11. Because the 8 speed is really good and it's faster. If you want a 6 speed though it should be easy for the dealer to get. To get an auto it has to be a sold order and they were all sold out almost immediately. Manuals didn't sell and they opened them up to everyone, didn't have to be a sold order.
  12. We have orb weavers all over ouside our house. This one was out tonight. His web is anchored to our gutters and attaches to a low hedge of bushes. http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/09/24/ae69fdc4c54a1fcbb0fc8a7538f26ae6.jpg http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/09/24/b78346dce8b1350877cd25665eff2770.jpghttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/09/24/90a6b90c21eb1ec6fe5ffe801472c51a.jpghttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/09/24/5675f98bbd554eb3b9e96e23206b4a77.jpg
  13. The gas tank is sealed so that helps, plus if you manage to not have the engine turn on for 6 weeks the Maintenance Mode will turn the engine on to burn off some gas and keep things lubricated. If you manage an entire year without filling up it will run longer. I think I may have filled up 10 times in 3 years, never used fuel stabilizer, and it ran fine. It was a lease though... Our Volt had a sticker of about $42k and it had no back up camera. Leather was pretty much the only option we had. The EV hold is a nice feature in the newer ones. It's intended to be used in case you enter the freeway and want to save the battery for the city streets. I would sort of do this by switching to mountain mode on the freeway and normal when I exited.
  14. We only had about 28k miles in 3 years and our range never decreased. I had gotten as much as 49 miles out of one charge or as little as 10. It all depends on temperature and driving style.
  15. They gave away a lot of cheap lease vehicles that are flooding back in, as best as I can tell. We gave ours back in April and buyout was something like $24k. The dealer said he could buy it from Ally for around 16k and thought he could sell for 18k. Looking at AutoTrader and rumored auction prices the 12-14k price is do-able.
  16. There are used ones, 3 years old, 36k miles, going for 12 to 14k.
  17. Guy on AllPar is a sales person and has M6 PCP (Plum Crazy Purple), black satin hood, black wheels, on order with no buyer. I would contact him if it's not sold yet. He said it will be i by Thanksgiving (2016 model). He has a second one in B5 blue thats in the system but not confirmed yet. CDJSalesPro is his sn.
  18. https://www.google.com/search?q=nest+reads+wrong+temperature&rlz=1Y3YOJM_enUS564US578&oq=nest+reads+wrong+&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0.4544j0j4&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 I would read a few reviews off this Google search before buying a Nest.
  19. I had a Nest for a few weeks and it was junk. It never kept a consistent temperature and we returned that garbage. I placed several other thermostats around the Nest and confirmed that its sensor was all over the map
  20. Don't laugh...they were the front runner in my head from the start, for multiple reasons. With this, the tables may turn and FCA would be in the drivers seat.
  21. It's even worse than that...not only are they on the hook with the EPA, but the fix is going give owners worse performance and fuel economy, so who would get it done? Not only will they have to give owners compensation for hurting resale and not living up to claims, but they will also have to give incentives to have the recall done or else face fines from th government for low fix rates. Their stock dropped 20% today. Waiting for Sergio to buy a controlling stake in 3, 2, 1...
  22. Yup and yup AFAIK. They said this: "The list of mods was long, including nitrous, headers, custom upper and lower pulleys, 1650cc injectors, custom tune, e85, and smaller front tire and drag radials." Once people start getting tunes sorted out I think you'll get it done with less.
  23. Here's the other. They think the first one is slipping the trans on the top end, and it lost boost in 5th gear, which is why his MPH was lower.
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